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Feature Request: Spectator Messaging Click to Dismiss & Sound

Hi all,

I find that if my wife sends me a message using LiveTrack and Spectator Messaging, I frequently miss her messages. I sat at home and tested this while we sat side by side, so I know that it works.

But my suspicion is that the user experience for receiving Spectator Messages during an activity needs improving. Personally, I would love to see:

1) Spectator Messages to stay on screen until dismissed

2) Spectator Messages to have their own independent notification settings for sound and vibration, i.e. separate from calls, texts, and apps (I say this because I rely on only vibration for most calls, texts, and apps, but would like sound for these specific spectator messages during an activity).

3) Perhaps some way to get back to old/previous/dismissed Spectator Messages

Seems like others may want this too:

Love my Forerunner 955 - and appreciate all the hard work you've put into building such a great product!

