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VO2Max isn't increasing

Since I bought the 955, I've put a fair degree of effort in my runs, increasing my acute load by quite an amount by doing some zone 2 and speedwork.  Quite a number of my activities have been listed as VO2Max being the primary benefit.

I'd expect my VO2Max to increase as a consequence, but it's been flatlined since the end of June.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the watch/Garmin?  I know I shouldn't really be that bothered by the score as it's not all that reliable in comparison to lab testing, but I'd still like a bit of reward for my efforts...!

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  • it's interesting that you race times have improved but VO2max hasn't changed. if use Runanalyze (and show VO2Max (file)) or use the watch's Training Status glance, do you see any small variation in the VOmax over the past 4 weeks? (while my number hasn't changed, it do see fluctuations in both of these methods of looking)

  • I don’t use Runalyze, so not sure but what I’m sure of is that taking 20sec per km and few bpm off my HR while at it on my easy runs (and similar on my threshold one as well) should result in some kind of VO2max increase and it should be more than a rounding of the calc.

  • i agree that one would think there would be at least a single unit change in VO2max. i was just trying offer a troubleshooting step to see if the watch/Garmin thinks it is change at all, even if the change is small.

    you can view this on your watch:

    • select the Training Status widget
    • scroll down and select VO2max
    • you will see a line graph of your VO2max over the past 4 weeks
  • Just checked, it’s a pretty much straight line with variations of ~0.1 in both ways over the last 4 weeks

  • ok. similar to mine...very small micro-variations. that means it's changing, but not as much as you would expect it to. Garmin has yet to respond to whether there is a bug or their new algorithm is flawed or ???

    i do think their old algorithm changed way too quickly (ie, a few years back) from run to run, but this recent change has made the number hard to budge

  • 1. 12.27

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. Yes

  • My VO2 dropped from 59 to 58 at the same time that my race prediction on the half got faster as well from 1:27:15 to 1:26:48.  Those 2 things seem totally independent of each other on the watch.

  • Another week or so of training, another 20 secs shaved off my predicted 5k time, into 3rd month of „maintaining” training status and flat vo2max. 

  • Part of the issue is that we do not see decimals on the Watch , Garmin Connect or Express. If you look in Runalyze (as an example)  , the Garmin Fit File data shows VO2 to 2 decimals and you can clearly see it moving there . 

  • yeah I agree it at least moves there, it decreases with every workout for me - but I look at runalyze to laugh.