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VO2Max isn't increasing

Since I bought the 955, I've put a fair degree of effort in my runs, increasing my acute load by quite an amount by doing some zone 2 and speedwork.  Quite a number of my activities have been listed as VO2Max being the primary benefit.

I'd expect my VO2Max to increase as a consequence, but it's been flatlined since the end of June.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the watch/Garmin?  I know I shouldn't really be that bothered by the score as it's not all that reliable in comparison to lab testing, but I'd still like a bit of reward for my efforts...!

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  • My vo2max went up to 55.5 from 54. All I've been doing is 6- mi easy runs and recovery runs except one 14mi easy run last sat. The only thing I've changed is I've started using my hr chest strap two days ago. I'm not sure if they changed something on the back end to the calc yesterday because derek87's vo2max changed after a few months as well.

  • 12.27 is still broken. Even watching VO2 to 2 digits past the decimal on runalyze - it goes DOWN the more fit I get. Is it possible to just make it function the same way every other garmin watch has worked for years?!?

  • 1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. USA

    Just to add to this - our solution for now (several of us bought 955s) is to just turn off/delete the VO2 and race prediction widgets as all of it is totally wrong and never changes.

  • +1 here. VO2 Max "stuck" on 66 for a few months thou fitness was increasing etc. Decided to reset the watch and now the VO2 Max is 68!

  • , could you please be more specific: By "reset" you mean simple turning off  and restart or full reset to factory settings?

  • Full reset to factory settings

  • THX Slight smile. Will try, because my VO2 max situation seems to be the same. 

  • All,

    We have a new effort to investigate this report and are requesting a small amount of data from you to start.  If you would like to be included in this investigation as an affected user, please reply with the following:

    1. What sw version is running on your watch?
    2. May I email you for some additional information?
    3. Please confirm that we may add you as an affected user to this report.
    4. May we have permission to access/view your Garmin Connect account?

    ***We ask that you do not reset your watch, at least until after we are able to (with your permission and assistance) acquire some information from your watch.

  • 1. 12.27

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. Yes

  • I noticed this too. I have had FR955 for 2 months, and VO2max has stayed at 61 all the time.  Of course I am kind of out of shape right now, and did not see much progress in training recently, so I think it makes sense for me. But I did notice that race prediction has been changing all the time.  Each time after a speed workout, the race prediction time will decrease.  But with several days of easy runs, it will increase.  So I think there is a decimal in Vo2max which is not visible to the user.