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Sleep Tracking errors on 955

The sleep tracking function and therefore all of the training advisories are woefully inaccurate! To the point I'm considering returning the watch. The sleep durations are miles out, the sleep stages are obviously wrong. My watch and connect are showing different times/data and despite setting normal sleep start/finish times the watch thinks lounging on the sofa is 'sleeping'.

How can I sort this functionality / bug out foreword i give up and get my money back?


  • You know what? I had no issue on my 945.

    The sleep tracked accurately during the window that I configured my sleep time with. 

    I don't know WTF is wrong with 955 that it just ignores the configured time.

  • I think that simply the "Sleep has started" manual function would solve the problem of incorrectly determining the start of sleep. Just like the "end of sleep" in the morning which is already there.

  • I have the same problem on my 255S Music. It has happend three times now. When editing the sleep times back to how they  where there are no recalculations, for example last night stress was 16 avg.  After the false detection of sleep during the day the stress average now says 29 avg. which results in a poor sleep score, which then affects recovery time and the daily suggestions ( no training readinesses on the 255) 

  • I don't know WTF is wrong with 955 that it just ignores the configured time.

    As written above, this is not a 955 problem, it occurs in all Garmin watches. Because the sleep algorithm is the same for all Garmin product. I think it depends on a person's personal behavior and their biorhythms, which the Garmin mistakenly perceives as sleep. An atypical lack of movement and reduced heart rate, for example, in a specific person. 

  • My 955 thinks I am sleeping right now Joy

  • Have you tried the other Garmin watches?

    I had my 945 for 3 solid years just prior to July 2022. It was running the latest FW.

    I didn't encounter any of this sleep issue. My sleep time coincided with the configured sleep window.

  • I didn't have this issue with the Venu SQ (fully up to date) I had before the 255. Curious to know if it only happens on the 955 and 255. 

  • Yep I have two 735XT watches. For the most part they track sleep in line with sleep on/off

  • This can happen to the Fenix as well, and has happened to my vivosmart 4 before. But it does not depend on the watch, but on the person who wears it, his biorhythms. Just try to sit still and your heart rate and stress will be low (as an example). Garmin will most likely count it as a dream.

  • dude,

    1) The same person me worn a 945 for 3 years but didn't encounter this sleep issue.

    2) Look at the posts above. Some other members are not experiencing sleep issues on their old watches.

    3) Considering the tons of bugs on 955, what makes you think this is not another sleep tracking bug? I suspect Garmin is not taking note on the configured sleep window.

    4) So what is the point of configuring the sleep window? Might as well take it out.

    5) Read my proposal in the next post.