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Heart rate zones

Hi, I have a lot of doubts to know how my heart rate zones should be.
Maximum heart rate 165.
Resting heart rate 44.
Average heart rate in a 10k race 161.
Anaerobic/lactate threshold 150.
Aerobic threshold 142.
Aerobic Recovery 136.

The doubt I have is where to place z4, since 150 is the threshold and during the race it's 161.
z5 should be more than 162?

  • I recommend you delve into the difference between the maximum, reserve and lactate threshold heart rate zones; since there are important differences.

  • Basing my zones on maximum, resting or lactic heart rate does not work for me.
    Yesterday I had everything set up and after one run it all went wrong, I didn't have it set up like that.
    I had ppm with these zones, both in default and in race. I checked them on the watch and mobile.
    Z2: 136 to 142
    Z3: 142 to 151
    Z4: 151 to 161
    Z5: 162 to 165
    After the run, the solo was changed to lactate and still poorly done (I had no new lactate level or anything new).
    This is what came out at the end of the race (image attached).

  • It seems that in order to get the lactate threshold heart rate zones, you must have previous lactate threshold recording.

  • I already have a previous lactate threshold record, it is 150ppm at 4:48min/km.

    But the watch was set to run on PPM, not lactate threshold.
    Zone 4 is bad compared to what it gave me in the race.

    Also, even if it was working with lactate threshold, the % does not match the data there.

  • The percentages in lactate threshold differ from the percentages of maximum heart rate and reserve (these range from 0 to 100) in lactate threshold 100% is usually in zone 4.

  • That's how it's configured yes, 101% on z4 but that doesn't fit my reality.
    150 beats for me is a very comfortable pace where I can be running for 2 hours.
    From 151 it would be z5.
    According to Garmin and other specialized pages, z5 is the zone of sprints, speed series where you can be a few seconds or minutes.
    For me that would be from 162 to 165.
    My 10k race heart rate is 159 to 161.
    Having the zones set up correctly is important for recovery calculations, VO2max, etc.
    What can't be is that it's considered z5 an effort where I can be running for 2 hours.

  • What percentage should the z5 be for lactate threshold?

  • In my case it is from 101 to 116%, (161 to 187 beats per minute)