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HRV recording

Does anyone know what the HRV recording setting does in the wrist heart rate settings? As a default it is not active.

  • This setting is actually in System->Data Recording, not in the wrist heart rate settings.

    From the manual: 

    Heart Rate Variability Status

    Your watch analyzes your wrist heart rate readings while you are sleeping to determine your heart rate variability (HRV). Training, physical activity, sleep, nutrition, and healthy habits all impact your heart rate variability. HRV values can vary widely based on gender, age, and fitness level. A balanced HRV status may indicate positive signs of health such as good training and recovery balance, greater cardiovascular fitness, and resilience to stress. An unbalanced or poor status may be a sign of fatigue, greater recovery needs, or increased stress. For best results, you should wear the watch while sleeping. The watch requires three weeks of consistent sleep data to display your heart rate variability status.
    I'm not entirely sure how important it is to track this or how I should interpret the values.
  • This records the HRV data when you're doing an activity, as far as I know it's not used for anything by Garmin per se but you might want the information for an external service like Runalyze to do some reporting on it. It does need an external HR strap as well as it won't work for the wrist based heart rate sensor. To be fair you probably don't need it and it will just take up more space per run really. 

  • Yes, this is clear. The data recording while sleeping is not affected by this setting 

  • Thanks. This is wat i was missing Thumbsup