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Elevate V4 a big improvement

Today was my first run with the FR955 and I have to admit I was impressed with the OHR. Basically since optical HR monitors started appearing in running watches I have not been able to use them due to the cadence lock issue. Since the FR235 I've had a Fenix3HR, FR935 and a Fenix5+ and all of them, without fail, would tell me I'm having a heart attack after just a few kms into a slow jog. I always assumed I had the wrong skin type and gave up on them and stuck to chest straps. Today I ran a 10k and the optical HR data was solid and reliable with no chest strap paired. It reacted as expected when running uphill and my HR settled again on the downhills. At a steady cadence of ~180spm on the flats it was where it should be. All in all I'm very happy with it so far. Yes, there are problems with maps that cause reboots but once those issues are ironed out it should be a solid watch.

  • I would hope that as long as the 955 is set to be the primary watch, whatever data the V2 feeds into Garmin Connect during the day (when it arguably makes for a "better" watch due to the AMLDED screen) would get factored into the training/recovery metrics generated by the 955. But that may be asking too much...

  • Wearing the V2 today, will check tonight and update the topic.

  • Just ran with the velcro strap and during the steady run it was just about perfectly aligned with the Polar OH1+. Just at the start it increased way faster then the Polar.

    When doing a sprint at the end though it didn't really track it, lagged while increasing (in the end a difference of about 20 beats) and when the polar started declining the V4 was still increasing but when overlapping the V4 also started to decrease and from then on it was ok again.

    So yeah, not sure yet :P Will be giving it a few more tries and also see if wearing it in another place would improve (not needing any strap would be great).

  • Yeah sprints are going to be challenge, it's probably (hopefully !) not the majority of your training though and HR during sprints is not really "actionable" anyway. For 1K intervals (Daniels IPace sessions) it's never let me down. For 200s (RPace) there can be issues, but again I'm not going to be looking at my HR over 200s to draw any conclusions on how my training is going. TBH, it mostly makes sense to track HR for E-Pace and M-Pace sessions.

  • So after getting home and syncing both the V2 and the 955, I was disappointed to find that the 955 had synced ZERO stress data from the V2 and that Training Readiness was barely different (4 vs 1 than when I left at 5AM this morning). So at this point it seems that TR requires that you wear the 955 to "track".

  • That's disappointing. The V2/955 combo would be a nice alternative to the EPIX if you wanted an AMOLED screen for day-to-day use.

  • Yes and to be honest I'm not seeing a lot in the FR955 that I'm not getting with my Venu 2 + Edge 530 combo as the 530 calculates Training Load and recovery from the runs recorded on the Venu 2. Starmina is a non-starter at this point (no one having found any actionable use AFAIK) and Training Readiness metrics doesn't seem to add a lot of value to the much appreciated Body Battery metric. Maybe for athletes who train so hard that they face a risk of over-training ? The only times I've felt that could happen to me was when I was preparing marathons but I was following plans that while hard would normally be designed to rule out that risk.

  • very different use pattern, but for me, the real big offering for the 955 (vs the 945LTE and 935 i previously owned) are the new GPS chipset and modes. to me, the difference is striking. not that the previous tracks were unacceptable but i'm now getting much more useful instantaneous pace running through tree covering.

    the touch screen, larger screen, and solar are secondary improvements.

    and i also don't necessarily see the training readiness and stamina as being tremendous value to me yet. maybe stamina at some point, but not right now. (Training load and recovery on the prior watches was more than sufficient for my needs)

  • I don't remember big GPS/Pacenissues with my 935 but I've certainly not had any with my Venu 2. A 30$ footpod would take care of the problem anyway. The F6 was terrible though especially in tough environments.

    Last winter many of my runs were around skyscrapers and the F6 was useless. The FR55 was very usable though although its tracks weren't as nice as the Epix 2 tracks with multiband on overall. The pace on the Epix was often a bit optimistic though probably because the track sometimes had some strange "lapses"'. Several of us had noticed that and there was a topic about it here.