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Not seeing weather on 955 running iOS 15.5 (if you are running iOS beta, feel free to monitor thread's traffic)

I'm not sure if I've missed something, but I'm not seeing any weather data on my new 955.

My linked iPhone has been set to Always share location data with Garmin Connect, so what else am I missing here?

My iPhone 11 Pro is running iOS Developer Beta.


  • YEs agreed. What I have done as a work around is pair the watch also to an older device running iOS 15.5 . I then switch the bluetooth off on the iOS16 device and on on the old device for a short period and then the weather updates . Then I with back to the iOS 16 device which is my main device. Works quite seamlessly and better than rolling my iOS16 device back.   I also used this to load the cards on Garmin pay form the older device as I couldn't load cards via the iOS16 device.

  • After Restarting the phone, mine is back.

  • I will say this is my case. Not sure if it is an explanation but I am on the Beta and my weather used to work and now it doesn’t. 

  • Yes weather won’t update with the Beta 16 at the moment . If you have an  old device on ios15 pair to that as well and then once a day switch the old device Bluetooth on and ios16 device Bluetooth off and let the weather update then toggle the Bluetooth the other way .That’s the work around I’m using at the moment not perfect but better than no weather updating as it’s used for heat acclimatisation also 

  • Grrr I had the same problem- and just spent an hour downgrading to iOS 15.5. Took the 955 on a short outside run with gps- and still no weather. Also- if I look at the run in the Connect app, the weather “widget” on the bottom of the map is greyed out. (And way wrong). Has anyone a tip for me?

  • Hi. Did you unpair the watch, I assume so as reinstalling the iOS backwards is a pain.I did this ... What I have done as a work around is pair the watch also to an older device running iOS 15.5 . I then switch the bluetooth off on the iOS16 device and on on the old device for a short period and then the weather updates . Then I with back to the iOS 16 device which is my main device. Works quite seamlessly and better than rolling my iOS16 device back.   I also used this to load the cards on Garmin pay form the older device as I couldn't load cards via the iOS16 device.

    Obviously not always possible but a good work around if one has on older device lying around. 

    I find as soon as I connect to the ios15 device it updates the weather when I sync is I am surprised you are having this issue. I dont have a weather widget in the connect app (that I can see?)

    Good luck

  • “Widget”: If you look at an activity (in connect), you have stats, a map, diagrams. On the map there is a small overlay box, showing weather: Temperature, Cloud symbol, and wind strength/direction.

    UPDATE: I removed the 955 from Connect and Bluetooth again, added it back- and now it works!

  • Ah OK Thanks , thats I have and see . I thought that picked up the info elsewhere than the weather displayed on the watch widget actually. Idk you open the activity on the connect web site and click on the weather block it normally shows a source there.

  • Yeah, I have this on my maps in activities and it's not related to the weather being shown on the watch itself.

    On your phone, ensure that location services are set to "Always" for the Garmin Connect app.  Also setting the User Settings->Weather Location to "Phone Location" might help.

  • Not exactly sure anymore which order of events, but I switched location setting to fixed, and then restarted watch once which seemed to have done the trick for me. I have not gotten it to work yet on a variable location. Anyone tips how to make it start my week on a Monday? I already changed in user profile but it does not reflect on my ‘last 7 days overview’.