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Workout screen

Hi All,

I created a default workout without any goals (pace, HR, power or cadence), simply: Warm up till LAP press + 10 x 200m/100m + Cool Down till LAP press). Always on model 945 on workout screen during intervals 200m/100m in this case I had 3 data fields: distance remaining, time of interval and average interval pace. On model 955 there are 2 data fields: distance remaining and time of interval only. Average interval pace is missing which is very helpful. Maybe not during so short intervals like 200m, but in case 500m and above it is: must have. Anyone has the same?

PS. I know, I can set in workout a pace as a goal and pace gauge will be visible at the top of workout screen, but it is instant pace which is useless.

  • I totally agree with you, this third field is missing.
    Wish we were able to edit this one (although we can create another screen with the required data fields).

  • Hi All,
    there is something similar to configure but in another way in Fenix 7 last firmware, so you can create your custom screen to use "interval" fields:

    - Added the ability to add workout related "interval" fields (speed, pace, time, distance, and reps) to any configurable data screen.

    In 955 there is also category "Workout Fields" when you create your new screen but inside I have 3 parameters and two have the same name in polish (translation issue I think) but fields are: timer, interval time and interval pace. I hope I will be fixed and added as for Fenix 7.

  • I have the same problem, when your doing a 6x3 mins workout it should be average pace rather than current pace as this can vary a lot up and down hills. If you created another screen would that average pace change with the intervals or would it give you average pace for the whole run?

  • Yeah,
    for this moment a workaround which I use is to create screen with standard "average lap pace" field and this field changes/resets with every interval change (faster or slower), it's good but I have no interval time field (when interval based on time) or interval distance  field (when interval based on distance) and reps field available on this screen. So I have to switch between minimum 2 screens during intervals, what is crazy :)

  • I cannot see a field that has average lap pace, I can only see one that says average pace not lap

  • Hi,

    in polish it is "tempo okrążenia", in english "lap pace" - it is average current lap pace.

  • That would mean that it’s giving me the pace for that lap, I’m after a field that will give me the average pace like it used too

  • Yeah,
    it gives you current interval average pace which I need during each interval to know if I run it in target pace or not.

  • Just been for a run and put average pace as a data field but this DOES NOT give you average lap pace it only gives you average pace for the whole workout

  • Sure, because your „average pace” field and my described „lap pace” field are two different fields ;) Your is average from entire workout, my average from current lap/interval.