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New FR 955 - Buy now or wait?

It's been 3 years since I bought my 945 and I was anxiously waiting for the 955.  Well, it's finally been released and after reading DCRainmaker's review and comparing the features of the 955 and 945 on Garmin's website, I think I'm going to wait.  The multi-frequency positioning system is the only thing I may be interested in because I've really had no GPS problems with my 945.  The software features are just more add-on goodies I really don't need.  I have no interest in solar or the new Elevate 4 HR sensor as I use a chest strap on all my workouts anyway.  Speaking of chest straps, the website shows the HRM-Pro, Swim and Tri compatible with storing data on the 945 and just list the Pro and Swim with the 955.  Is it an oversight, or would I have to replace my trusted Tri?  Anyway, just curious on your thoughts?

  • I had to fight back the initial impulse to upgrade but I think I have decided to wait as well.  Personally, I like the larger screen myself - in addition to solar and better battery etc.

    I'm a Stryd user so I think I am going to wait and see what happens on the Native Power front for external sensors.  The conspiracy theorist in me thinks Garmin is holding back on adding external connectivity so they can get a few months of people buying their RD Pods and other peripherals.

  • 3 Years with the 945 for me as well. I ordered my 955 this morning. I am looking forward to the new training features. Plus I cant resist new toys :)

    Edit: I ordered non-solar... didn't seem that solar made that much of a difference for the additional cost.

  • I too use a Stryd and was a little disappointed with how Garmin made running power "native" to their accessories only.

  • DC Rainmaker called that out as "very disappointing" in his review, but then pointed out that some of the blame is on the Stryd end in some manner.  I've always gotten the impression that Garmin has made things difficult for the Stryd guys, but the truth is we don't know all the details.

  • DC Rainmaker called that out as "very disappointing" in his review, but then pointed out that some of the blame is on the Stryd end in some manner.

    How so?  Maybe I missed something?  Here's a clip from the article:

    Further, you can’t feed Stryd data into this (or any other running power sensor). Garmin says they aren’t opposed to that, and that discussed having such an implementation (the same way it works on cycling), saying “we will likely get there sooner or later, but we just ran out of bandwidth and time on these products”

  • How so?  Maybe I missed something?  Here's a clip from the article:

    It was somewhere else in the review, maybe in the comments?  He basically said that Garmin made certain channels available and these external vendors (like Stryd) said "nah, nevermind" and went about doing their own thing.

  • Here it is, his comment at 3:32am EST:

    I largely agree. Though, two thoughts:

    A) They did say that’s in their plans, but that they simply ran out of runway to get it in.
    B) One shouldn’t forget that Stryd actually moved away from supporting the RD standards that Garmin basically put in place for them to be able to feed into exactly this sort of thing.

    It’s probably one of the greatest examples of Garmin offering standards to competitors, and those competitors saying “Nah, nevermind” (along with Wahoo doing the same for years before eventually adopting the RD standards in their TICKR straps).

  • I did miss it as I just read the review and not the comment section.  Thank you. 

  • Went for the solar the second I saw it on Garmin site. Should arrive early next week.

  • I do enjoy new gadgets but after having issues with my 945 (first batch) and having it replaced after a few months I believe I will probably wait until August and see the feedbacks at the forum before going for it  I must say I was itching! Joy

    And living in a place where we have sun almost every day of the year I will probably go for the solar version.