How does treadmill function work..

How does treadmill function work, I do 1,6km which is 1 mile and always do about 2000 strides, yet garmin says it is only I adjust stride length accordingly, yet garmin still says I do 1.3 km...I have adjusted stride length from .5 metre to 1.5 metres...but garmin still says 1.3km...what does garmin measure...obviously it should be strides x stride length...

  • The stride length setting doesn't affect the distance in activities. It is only used for activity tracking (the distance calculated when you are not logging an activity). In activities it got a different stride length that is calculated from the steps and distance from the calibration you do after the treadmill activity. It will also automatically calibrate when you run outdoors.

    Calibrating the Treadmill Distance

    Run at least 1.5 km with the treadmill activity. Press stop, scroll down to calibrate and save and enter the treadmill distance.