My coach put my long run on the wrong day. I changed it to the correct day and it changed my number of workouts from 4 to 3. How do I change it back to 4? I do not want to reset my training plan.
My coach put my long run on the wrong day. I changed it to the correct day and it changed my number of workouts from 4 to 3. How do I change it back to 4? I do not want to reset my training plan.
I don't think you can change/edit this after the plan is set up. I have had issues with these plans after rescheduling some workouts (apparently) too much or too often, I am not sure. Then, the previous weekly patterns were changed in weird ways.
You have some options:
- if your race is still a couple of months out at least, simply delete the plan and create a new one,
- continue with the messed up plan, and reschedule manually the workouts and add a workout using the daily suggested workout,
- stop using the plan and switch to daily suggestions.
Thanks! Thats about what I could figure out as well. I went with option 2 and just manually added the runs I needed