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Run distance short after last update.

  • I've run a set marked 10k route. The route is 6.214km. My fr 945 recorded it as 6.16 & 6.18. In the past it always recorded it as 6.214. And my running partner using a fenix 7 recorded it as 6.214.
  • I noticed this problem too, I also noticed that the instantaneous rhythm got worse even with a footpod connected

  • Seems strange that my watch recorded perfectly until the last update & now its about as accurate as a crappy fitbit. Theres no point paying garmin lots of money when they dont appear to test out their updates. 

  • I don't start/stop my runs on the exact course very often so hard to say if it is short/long.  +/- per km or mile is pretty standard with a GPS watch, to say it is always down to the thousandth of a km accurate?!?!   Is that a joke?  If it is always recording .214 on the run... i'd say that that is an issue/glitch of it just reporting the same values on a run. :-/  

    When looking at the map are you noticing any clear issues or rounding of corners?  That is usually the culprit, every sharp corner will remove some distance and each bendy road/path section will as well as the GPS location is averaged/smoothed. 

    I don't even hardly look at the miles past the tenths place (#.#)... to expect down to #.### in KM?!  4 meters?!  lol 

    If you round all your runs and they were 6.2km, match the distance of route.  its running, not building rockets.  (.014 km is 14 steps...)

  • What I'm saying is. My watch has always recorded the length of my runs accurately. Until after the last update & since then it's recording short.

    How do I know this? Because I'm the person who maps out a 10k route. I then run that route with 20 other runners.

    The route is a 10k run, so 6.214 miles. Everyone else BUT ME records 10k. My watch records short.

    Its clearly a bug / fault with the last software update or that my watch all of a sudden, after the update has become faulty.

    If I run a route that I've run 20 times in the past that recorded as 6.214 miles, 10k. It now records short.

  • It is just 1% error so it is within the expected accuracy of GPS tracking. Continue and follow up if it changes or stays at that same error.

    If the GPS is lost during the run the watch will use the calculated stride length and step counter. Maybe you lost GPS during the run and the watch has shortened your stride length.

    I read something some day ago about that the HRM or running dynamics on the watch overrides the GPS in some cases which makes the distance incorrect or correct, but I can't find it now and I can't find any settings on my FR945 and HRM Pro for that. Maybe it is only for the newer watches that got onboard running dynamics.