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Why does my FR 945 suddenly stop tracking while running?

Hi, guys 

I'm so curious about if the issue I sometimes faced to is being occured to other FR 945 owners.

I'm still really satisfied with my Forerunner 945 since I had it 3 years ago. However, I noticed it suddenly stops tracking running and back to the original FR 945 default watch face(the image attached below). I'm using the running data field named "F3b Dozen Run" from IQ store and I really like this one to track my running habbits. 

I don't doubt if the issue has been happening occasionally becaue of the running data.  When my watch stops tracking and back to the original FR 945 watch face, after I start run for 5~6 min. As I said before it actually happens not quite often, but I'm still being interrupted whenever it happens and I find out checking my pace. In addition, I press Start/Stop botton as soon as I saw and realized that my watch stopped tracking and it continued to re-track all the informaion, such as GPS, Pace, Heartneat and others supplied by the data I used for running. Have any body had the exact issue ever before ? 

How can I make the issue stop being happening?

  • I've updated your case with this knowledge, thanks for testing all of those out. We are still investigating.

  • I just received an email from support commenting on my HRM-Pro, and asking me to reconnect it to my Forerunner 945.  I was also asked if I still use my Running Dynamics Pod, and if so, have I been having issues while using it.  The letter seemed to have disregarded my previous correspondence and, in part, my descriptions of the issues as they have happened and my attempts at isolating the possible causes.

    Just to be clear, I rarely use the HRM-Pro.  I've worn it perhaps a half-a-dozen times since purchase, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's been a year since I last did a run while wearing it.  I HAVE NEVER HAD THE TRACKING ISSUE OCCUR WHILE WEARING THE HRM-PRO WITH MY FORERUNNER 945.

    Though I seem to remember having the tracking issue occur ONCE while not wearing the Running Dynamics Pod, for every other time the tracking problem occurred, I was wearing the Running Dynamics Pod.  If I were to estimate the number of times the tracking problem took place as 60, that would make it 59 times the problem occurred while wearing the RDP.  That is a rather significant correlation.

    Since abandoning the RDP, I have not had the tracking problem happen once.  It's more than a dozen runs now without an issue (without the RDP), whereas the problem occurred nearly every run over the past several months when the RDP was worn.

    I also contacted the other runner in this thread who has been experiencing similar issues with his Forerunner 945, and he too wears a Running Dynamics Pod when his tracking problems take place.  He did not indicate if he wears a separate heart monitor.

    It definitely seems like the RDP is an element that is contributing to the tracking issue, if not the singular culprit.

    If you want me to test out the HRM-Pro, I will.  I have re-added it to my Forerunner 945.  However, it has not been a factor in any of the problems heretofore. 

  • This is happening on my Forerunner 745 during a suggested workout. I wear the Garmin heart rate chest strap too but half way through the workout it just stops tracking my pace completely and sets me to zero pace, which then incorrectly logs mileage. Very annoying and i’d like to know how to fix it