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945 pool swim alerts not accurate

  1. My garmin 945 pool swim lap alerts not accurate, i set alert at every 20laps at 25m pool, split data show interval split at different distances randomly . show interval split at 50m /150/ 600m, mean it didn't alert me at the preset laps count. this never happen on my old 935 before, any solution for it? btw, i  consistently swim free style all the way
  • I have never found the lap count to be reliable on 945. Admittedly I also swim other styles like *** stroke. Sometimes the count would freeze at zero for a while. Then jump to 15. Other times it is at an odd number when I am back where I started (should be an even number). And the count never quite reflects how fast I think I was today.

    I never tried the laps alert, but even the time alert (eg every 15min) gets confused after I pause and restart the swim (say hop to the bathroom for a couple minutes). After I restart, the alert goes off at wrong times. Not every 15min of swim, nor every 15min of actual time. Something in between.