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My garmin 945 has water leak arround the display how to fix it?

My garmin 945 has water leak arround the display how to fix it?

  • I reached out for the GARMIN costumer support (Austria/Switzerland/Germany). They made clear that this case is not covered by their extended warranty anymore and the only thing they would do is offering me a model for a reduced price from their shop in exchange for my broken watch. In my case that means a Forerunner 955 for EUR 399 (instead of the regular EUR 499). Which is a pretty crappy deal when you check the prices for the 955 on the market outside of the GARMIN Webshop and bear in mind that I have to turn in my broken 945 (which then I could not sell and where the return process might take up to 10 days where I would be without a watch)  

    Am I a happy customer? Nope. Sadly enough I will stick to GARMIN whatsoever. 

  • Yeah a bit frustrating for sure. Once the screen starts to de-laminate you can't even sell the watch for 2nd hand, I doubt you'd get anyone to buy it. The reduced price from garmin should be more, you would get at least half the price for the watch if you sold it 2nd hand, which then you could use to buy a new watch.

  • Yeah, the offer I got for a replacement at a reduced price was actually more than what you can buy a 945 for new now. So it's kind of any empty offer.

  • So - after I didn't gain an traction with Garmin for a repair (or heavens forbid - replacement) - I took the watch apart. I.e. popped off the separating crystal from the watch.

    There was water inside and I didn't have much hope of fixing it... it had been this way for about 4 weeks (i.e. water inside). I then dried the watch for a couple of days (hang it in a warm stream of air behind a network switch exhaust fan - I happen to work in IT).

    After that, I plugged in the charger and... the watch come back to life. It was behaving erratically for 4 or 5 days. Worked seemingly fine for a a bit, then would lock up and freeze and become completely unresponsive to button presses, screen all white, all black, or all scrambled.

    I didn't want to take it apart any more than just removing the crystal / screen attached to the main board with a couple of ribbon cables, and I didn't think I could get it any more dry on the inside than it already was. So in the end, I glued the crystal back on with some cell phone screen glue... and it has been working basically as normal ever since. Bottom right button works about 2 presses out of 10, but it does not seem to affect daily usage and is the only bit of functionality that did not fully recover.

    I have been using the resurrected watch for 3 weeks now and and all seems good and back to normal.

    (hopefully google drive photos are viewable).










  • Amazing, thanks for sharing this. don't want to spend 160$ on the Garmin service as I think its a design flaw. Also I haven't considered replacing just the crystal/glass, as only full display assemblies are sold fore replacement, but why not make it a 6$ repair. How did you get residual glue off the glass and plastic andd what type glue did you put? I'm worried about putting the right amount if I try. Only two of your pictures are showing for me.

  • I gave up and donated the leaky 945 to my nephew and bought a 965.  I am really enjoying the upgrade.

  • The newer generation displays are nice, enjoy!

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 11 months ago in reply to 9305859

    Same here. Water around the watch.

  • I am having the same issue - started noticing something on the left side of watch a month ago... now it looks like yours 100% around the watch.  UGH!!! Not good! 


    Here is yet anothe case. Given all of these reports, It seems like quite some units will be affected over time, making me wonder whther the warranty policy in place is adequate. I am obviously just saying this because I am frustrated my affected 945 is not covered under the current policy.