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Maps just showing basic details?

Just got my 945 and only have main roads for maps? Detail setting is high, this is the list of maps I have on Garmin Express:

What maps should I have? I'm in the UK. Can I go about downloading the right ones or do I need to return my watch? If so, where do I get them?! 



  • You should have Topo Active Europe maps preinstalled.

    Did you buy the watch new or used? The list of maps points to a device intended for the Asian market. If the watch didn't have the European maps by default, you have to buy them or use opensource maps. If you bought the watch new, I would return it and buy another one from a different store, one that actually sells models for the European market with Topo Active Europe maps on it.

  • Thanks for the advice, since posting I made that discovery and am returning it today and have a new UK one on order!