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Timer / Stopwatch fast battery drain

There's been countless thread highligting this issue for Garmin Watches.

Clearly a software issue.  The timer/stopwatch isn't putting the watch into idle mode, even if the app isn't actively counting anymore.

" It's the code in this countdown function.  Like what previous information stated before, it doesn't put this countdown function into idle or stall state.  Instead, it kept running this code even count down process isn't even started or doing its function.  The point here is if count down is "doing" the count down, it's normal to burn the power.  If it's not doing any countdown, this process needs to go into stall state.  The problem here is it will continuously burn the power at the same rate no matter it's counting down or not.  This is very bad behavior.  If I forgot to exit this count down mode/app, it will burn the battery crazily like I am doing endless count down.  So, this function needs to be fixed.  "

  • from 90% to 84% in 2 hours when left on Timer screen at standing still @ T-1:00hr

    Reproduce Steps:

    Assumptions: One of the Timer presets are set to 1:00hr

    1.) Choose the 1hr Timer preset

    2.) Start count down

    3.) Let count down Until Ring

    4.) Stop Ringing

    5.) Leave screen at Timer screen

    6.) See how much battery drops

  • I already had it set to run for test.  Used 15min timer with Auto for some... and manually for some of test.  Screen on timer screen.  Vibrate on.

    1hr20minutes went down 5%

    That does seem a bit high (although I had gotten quite a few texts, etc), no idea what my rate normally would be, but I'd say closer to 1-3% in that time.  At 92% now (3:23pm), will try to update or make note before evening lift.