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Forerunner 945: Wrong stride length for outdoor run when paired with RD Pod

I'm getting wrong (more than 2 times smaller than real one) stride length for outdoor runs in last time (Garmin 945 + Run Dynamics Pod).

An example:

Show: 0.52m in average, real one calculated from other data 1.16m

I does not also show Run Dynamics Pod in the list of equipment any more in Garmin Connect. Earlier run for comparison:

Not much outdoor runs for some time due to too much slippery ice here in the south of Finland. Used threadmill and Under Armor connected shoes instead then.

  • Have any of you tried the latest beta? Stride length is completely useless with the 11.60

  • I've tested a run on the 11.81 beta and found that RD Pod data was not immediately available during my run. It took ~5 minutes until my FR945 started displaying RD data (though power was displayed immediately). I did not see any data recorded in Connect.

  • Worse and worse thanks, one thing that worked they managed to break it

  • i had replace RD Pod with HRM+ in pass 2 months. and i tried 11.81 beta with RD pod in yesterday, the bugs still happen again...Wasted

  • And I just received this notification for the pending 11.83 beta:

    Change log:

    • Fix possible dropouts in Running Dynamics Pod data.
    Once this hits my FR945, I'll pull out my RD Pod and test again.
  • Thank you very kind friend, I too am very interested in the resolution, I also use a foot pod for the instant pace and I noticed that since the RDP data does not work the pace does not work either, the paradox is that before 11.60 it was all OK, they have released a lot of beta called release candidates but we are still here talking about new bugs, crazy!

  • OK, so I ran this morning with 11.83 beta and my RD Pod. I was concerned at first as I did not see the RD fields during my run, though running power was showing values. As with previously runs, by the 5 minute mark in my run, RD fields were showing data. When I finished my run and reviewed in GCM I found that all RD Pod data was present in the graphs from the beginning of the run.

    So, it would appear things are working again - but after only a single run, I'll hold off saying it's fixed until I test a few more runs.

  • All,

    Please see our recently released beta software for a fix addressing this report. If you prefer to not install this beta software, we hope to be rolling out a public software update soon, though I do not have a timeline for this release. If you are still seeing this issue after installing the beta software, please contribute your observations in the appropriate beta bug reports section of the beta forums for your specific device.

    Enrolling in Garmin Beta Software Program

  • Thanks and we look forward to it

  • I've now had two additional runs (three total) on the 11.83 beta software with my RD Pod. Both runs showed RD data on my FR945 during the run (both without the previously experienced delay after starting the run). Both runs also displayed expected RD data in Connect post-run.

    It does appear the issue has been fixed as of this release.