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Forerunner 945: Wrong stride length for outdoor run when paired with RD Pod

I'm getting wrong (more than 2 times smaller than real one) stride length for outdoor runs in last time (Garmin 945 + Run Dynamics Pod).

An example:

Show: 0.52m in average, real one calculated from other data 1.16m

I does not also show Run Dynamics Pod in the list of equipment any more in Garmin Connect. Earlier run for comparison:

Not much outdoor runs for some time due to too much slippery ice here in the south of Finland. Used threadmill and Under Armor connected shoes instead then.

  • The problem regarding stride length and vertical ratio either not reporting or reporting incorrectly appears to be resolved with Beta 11.730 in RUN. 

    Respiration is still not being reported (as it is with HRM-Pro) - I have a watch screen that shows respiration while I run, and the data was not present during my run.  When I ended my run, I got data on that screen.

  • Hey , I installed the 11.73 beta on my FR945 and pulled out my RD-Pod for this morning's run. During the run, and post-run in Connect, I do see valid data for all of the running dynamics data; stride length, GCT balance, etc.

    I would say things look to be corrected at this time.

  • Thank you  and .  I do not have confirmation internally that this was resolved with 11.73 so I will keep this thread open for further comments.  As soon as I get any new info one way or the other, I'll be sure to post here.

  • I had upgrade my FR945 firmware to 11.73, And record 6 activity, the data captured by RDP was shown correctly. Hope the fix will still on next official release. thx.

  • Let us hope that it will stay fixed in the next release version. I have seen that already several times: works in beta, but no more in following release (see my earlier messages in this thread). 

  • Things still look good on the 11.74 beta. This morning's run with RD Pod recorded the expected metrics during and post-run.

  • Unfortunately, update to new beta v11.76, the issue happen again. 

  • I saw the same outcome. Was fine on the two previous beta releases, no stride length on 11.76.

  • I guess we could already expect that result.

    I wrote about some thoughts about this problem, when sent data to Garmin several months ago (my own work is related to software development). Some summary here:

    • I suspect that some additional features are enabled in beta and alpha versions to make data captured from RAM dump more useful for tracking down problem. Such features could be later disabled in release version (reasons efficiency, less power consumption)
    • I also suspect that this problem could be caused by some some bug in synchronization between RD pod data receiving and use (eg. data are only partially updated when used at least sometimes).
    • Enabling debugging features in beta version could change delays and as result the problem could disappear. Similar effects could be when trying to run is under debugger. That could explain why problem only affects release versions.

    It also seems that firmware files are no more available for download for some time. I would prefer to install beta version manually with possibility to return to earlier release if needed. It seems that this possibility is taken away from us.

  • Ran this morning on the 11.77 beta release and recorded clearly incorrect stride length data. Data showed a non-varying 0.41 meter stride length. This is easily half my slower pace stride length and much shorter than my sprint stride length.

    Seems the latest betas are definitely back to not recording/calculating correct stride length.