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Heart rate showing too high and low aerobic shortage??

My forerunner 945 is showing very high heart rates even on a pace and feel that's too easy for me. I did a half marathon run and probably around 8kms the heart rate pushed past threshold category and too high. I did 22 Kms and feel fine and didn't push myself too much. I have had heart belts before and also faced very high heart am I supposed to run slower then what I feel is already too slow and get to low aerobic use. As you can see by the images below my heart rate was in excess of 180 for most of the run. How does that make any sense

  • Search the forum and/or internet for "cadence lock".  If it's not from the optical HR monitor, you can take a look here;

  • Try using a Chest Strap HRM

    Any One that is Ant+ Compatible Should Work.

  • Wow. That's amazing I looked around online and I think it's this. Basically I may be wearing my watch too loose. Will update you all soon but super happy to get such quick and positive help! Thanks everybody

  • You mention having a very high heart rate using a 'belt' as well?  So not sure if cadence lock would be it...  have you tested your max HR with a heart rate strap (belt) ?  Do you know what your resting HR is?  Some people have very high resting and maximum HR making for shifted zones well away from the average.  How is your breathing on this long run?  Do you run with others, can you have good conversation?  You can try the 'talk test' even while on your own, just says a couple sentences outloud or sing a song.   If you are doing 3hr runs gotta imagine your fitness is there already!

  • I tried a max hr test few years ago on a treadmill and belt and got to around 205 or something like that. Resting heart rate according to garmin usually falls into 58-59 category. Breathing wise , the 3 hour run felt very comfortable, i could sign talk or anything so thats why i am sure the heart rate of 180 is wrong on the watch but I think I will try wearing my watch tighter to see if Cadence lock is the problem...if not then will perhaps try the belt...but if you see the numbers above in the images it just doesnt make any it physically possible for anybody to run for 2 hours at +170/180 heart rate and feel good? From what i have read its not possible so it leads me to the conclusion that my watch is wrong.

  • Heart rate is all about %'s... so if you got 205 in a solo test, but maybe you could have pushed it (adrenaline!) to ~210bpm in hard sprint finish at a race to beat someone.  Much easier to go `100% effort at a race with crowds/family cheering!  

    175bpm would be 83% of 210 , 83% for me (my max 195)... is smack in the middle of my Marathon HR range!  Almost exactly 3hrs!  First third of race 80-83% , second third 82-84%, last third 82-87%.   For a marathon I am usually breathing pretty comfortable and feeling somewhat good, chatting with fellow racers, etc... until the last third of race when fatigue and often pace picks up!

    But yes, I agree if you felt comfortable and easy on a 3hr training run, then likely you had cadence lock.  I haven't been able to get rid of it by tightening watch, I wear HRM-Dual garmin strap on all activities to give a good accurate value.   Although I will add... most people run their easy and long runs at too hard of an effort!!! One quick gauge is to plug in a recent race or time trial run of 4k-10km range into a training pace calculator.  check out the equivalent Race Paces if they look somewhat ok... then look at the Training Paces tab, how do those training paces look compared to your runs?  Way slow or similar??  Many people will find they are doing their running paces too close to their Threshold pace.... but not fast enough to be 'Threshold'... and too hard to be Easy! 

  • Wait let me get this straight, you did a marathon at +-175 bpm ? And you felt comfortable?? 

    What was your resting HR?

    My fear is that I am pushing myself too hard and dont want any health complications later on in life by running constantly at high heart rates, I just dont want to physically burn out, I have a tendency to push myself too hard on anything I do and with this I have a physical barrier at some point so dont want to cross it too early!

  • Haha, no I would be laying on side of road!  83% of my max HR of 195bpm is 162bpm.  Which was the average for both of my recent marathons which were both 3:03.   My resting is ~45bpm

    I wouldn't worry about the heart stress part of it, but yeah running too hard consistently can lead to overtraining, injuries, or just stagnated fitness.  Ideally get into a good polarized training system with a balance of easy, hard, and recovery!

  • Thats what I trying to get to. But even an easy run like the one I posted where I could sing, dance showed me the heart rate of +170/180 ,...I going to give this tightening the watch wrist one go and see where it leads to.

    Yes so 162 for you makes sense to me with your max and resting and ideally I want to be able to run at 150-170 for my half marathon...

    Keep you updated, thanks for the insight!