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Will Trail VO2 max come to 945?

Rainmaker said so, but there is no sign of it, no new beta, nothing.

Since it's mostly an algorithm change  and it's out for the fenix 6 some weeks ago, I guess the 945 is slowly being abandoned.... Disappointed

  • Since there is no new firmware updates, no new featrures, we have to entertain with something:

    And this DC paragraph explains exactly what I think about a 945LTE:

    I’d ask oneself: Why would Garmin release a so-called FR945 LTE?

    Why would a company release an LTE watch atop a two-year old model? That’d have incredibly small market applicability, because the FR945 is already small applicability in comparison to the Vivoactive/Venu, & Fenix lineups. And if there’s one thing Garmin probably learned from their Vivoactive 3 LTE it’s that it needs huge market applicability to work. That had none, for starters since it was tied to Verizon only in the US.

    At the time they launched it, some 16 months after releasing the Vivoactive 3 (and 6-7 months after releasing the Vivoative 3 Music, from which it was based), it was already a tough sell as anyone that wanted a VA3 likely already had one. Granted, Garmin didn’t think the LTE edition would have taken as long as it did (obviously), and thus, when it was finally ready…well…that’s when it was ready.

    But the thing is – the landscape hasn’t really changed much for LTE in wearables that aren’t titled Apple or Samsung. It’s a rough experience for iOS users, who makeup the majority of Garmin users, because they don’t get iMessage on it, because only Apple Watches can have that. So you end up with two numbers, or non-synced notifications.

    So if you’re going to go to all the trouble of launching another LTE device, I wouldn’t see why Garmin would ‘waste’ it on a FR945 2-years post-launch, likely in a limited market scenario. Instead, if Garmin is going to do the LTE thing, I’d think they’d do it for realz, on a mainstream product at mainstream launch. Anything else is just a waste.

    I mean, just my two cents…

    For me this closes the chapter 945LTE :)

    Go 955!!! 

  • Nice, so we wait :)

  • Sleep analysis was only added on 745, but not on 245 which has our SW version

  • That's why we need to wait a day or two more ;)

  • No more wait!!! IT'S OUT! Let's go Trail Run!

  • Ok, so now I'm counting hours to the first "Trail Run VO2max is rubbish!" complaint thread. Smirk

  • Don't count me in. Anything will be better than the actual VO2max