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FR 945 APAC VO2 max not calculating after an update to SW 5.60. When will the 6.20 row released to apac?

Hi. I have been running with my fr 945 (bought at the end of January) for a month and in that time, the vo2 max calculated only once. I tried to maintain my run to be within the criteria

My running setup:

Activity: Run (Outdoor, open area).


HR ZONE: 197(max), 177(90%), 158(80%), 138(70%).

When running, I tried to maintain my HR to be >150.

No pause/resume.

For context:

In the first 3 images, I had a knee injury and couldn't maintain hr>150

In the 4th picture (15th of Feb) vo2 max was recorded for the first time.

On the 17th of Feb, I installed garmin express and prompted to install firmware 5.60 apac and rebooted/reset by holding the light button for 15s.

On the 18th (5th picture), vo2 max is not updating anymore to this day.

I didn't really concerned at the time because some users said that I need to run regularly then vo2 max should show up. At the end of February, after running regularly, the vo2 max is still not updating

I tried reboot, reset, repair, re-input all user data, but nothing worked.

I think I read in garmin fenix forum that they also experienced the same issue after an update to 12.20 version around 3 months ago and mentioned that 945 users also experiencing the same after an update. One of the responses from a user after getting in contact with garmin is that, vo2 max and training status will not be calculated because the wrist-based heart rate does not correctly measure the heart rate and should be addressed in the next update, and a user with 12.77 beta confirmed that it worked.

Will this issue be addressed in the future? any others with a similar situation with apac version? any idea when will 6.20 row be released to apac? I read that fr 245 6.20 row already rolled to apac from reddit.


  • Yes, I do have my weight and max HR entered in garmin connect and the watch also have it. I will try that next time. But I kinda doubting it will work. Looking at my old vo2 max, it was very likely calculated the first 10 minutes from the 2 minute mark eventhough there are a lot of spikes because of walking started from the middle. I am still a newbie in running, and I ran 5 times non-stop trying to solve this. My shin is starting to burn.

  • Yes definitely need to take it easy if you are new to this, don't sacrifice recovery or your plan just to get a vo2 max! lol

    Just think about putting it on the calendar as a goal event, so that you can have only power walks or very small amount of running in run/walks the week leading up to it.  As part of your warmup do a fast walk, some ankle rolls, light stretching, leg swings, etc before you get going into your activity.  

    Try to run as slow as you can during the run portion of your run/walks if thats part of the plan, try to keep HR down in the 70-75% as long as you can.  A lot of people run too hard in their runs, especially when doing run/walk, they run at a unsustainable pace so it becomes an interval workout!  think trott/jog... strong walk...  jog... strong walk.  goal of keeping HR more steady... less of UP, down, UP , down with HR.  

  • One thought that came to mind... do you have a weight entered in garmin connect?  need that to get a vo2max :-)  (and a maximum HR entered?)

    Actually max HR is required but weight is not required for vo2max estimation.

  • huh?  How could it possibly create a metric of ## mL / kg / min .... without kilograms of body mass?!?!  It is a huge player, if someone is 60kg or 85kg it is going to be drastically different.   Even the same person who loses a few kg without any other changes t o fitness, gets a much different result!

  • huh?  How could it possibly create a metric of ## mL / kg / min .... without kilograms of body mass?!?!  It is a huge player, if someone is 60kg or 85kg it is going to be drastically different.   Even the same person who loses a few kg without any other changes t o fitness, gets a much different result!

    thats like saying garmin can calculate your FTP watts/kg .... without your weight... ?

  • I guess you did not pay attention to online materials and white paper regarding vo2max estimation.

    Just search for weight in those materials. You won't find any.

    Added: Look at the calculation step in white paper. Age is important. Not weight.

    • I found it. It was the physio trueup. Made sure to try disabling it if you have the same issue. I also factory reset my watch (restore default + remove data) and removed from my app and my bluetooth. Today I run for 15 minutes and it calculated the Vo2 max.