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Daily suggested workout- Poor algorithm?

I own a FR 945 and an Edge 830. Overall I like both products and believe they enhance my cycling and overall fitness experience. I'm a cyclist, not a runner. Ive been wearing the 945 24/7 for several months.

Im a 52 yr old male in pretty good shape having been a keen cyclist for the last several years. I workout on the turbo trainer using Zwift on average 3-4 times a week. Recently, having retired from full time work I signed up for the 'Active off season' training plan on Zwift but sacked it off during the second week due to the boredom of 3 hr workouts on the bike, my Vo2 max dropping from 49 to 46 and a suspicion that this was due to over training. I thought I'd take advantage of the 'daily suggested workout' feature of my 945, thinking the watch is aware of all my workouts, my health and performance must know what I need. 

My GC training status was telling me that I was currently unproductive and it recommended an anaerobic activity so I decided to do it today. The watch recommended this:


As you can see, a 57 min workout with a few sprints thrown in but crucially note the estimated Anaerobic gain of 2.5

I found the workout really easy and was disappointed to note that it didn't give me the anaerobic gain estimated- it gave me a gain of 1.0- AND the primary ride benefit was Base! See next pic.

Am I missing something here then? Im lacking in anaerobic activity, the watch recommends an anaerobic workout, I follow the watches suggestion  but the end result is that the main benefit achieved is BASE not anaerobic!  Yes I appreciate the gain of 2.5 was estimated but its out by quite a bit. Clearly the workout suggested by the watch wasn't taxing enough leading me to believe that the algorithm used isn't fit for purpose?


Thanks, Pete

  • Im using HR strap.

  • I am suffering the same issue with Garmin DSW for indoor cycling. The 8 sec sprints just arent long enough to get my heart rate in the anaerobic zones. Today someone suggested me to change the Target Type from Power to Heart Rate. During the workout continue the sprint untill the target heart rate is reached (even if it is longer then 8 seconds). After performing a few workouts that way the AI algorithm will adapt future workouts and sprints will be longer. I can't confirm it working myself but I will try it in the upcoming weeks. 

  • I don't know about cycling but when running all the sprint sessions I've done have been time based, regardless of whether you've selected pace or heart rate target type. 

  • This is still happening 2 years later. My Epix has been telling me I’m in a anaerobic shortage for the past two weeks and yet my suggested workouts are either base or tempo. Finally, yesterday, it suggested an anaerobic workout. 6 20 second sprints. I did not achieve enough anaerobic.

  • Yeah unfortunately the Anaerobic side of the training effect and recommendations is lacking.  Hard to get much impact, especially it seems for me for running.  But... it is looking for high and low HR response to super easy and full gas sprints.  HOWEVER,  often people don't recover at an easy enough pace to have it really drop... and also 20seconds isn't enough to really spike HR a lot of times if especially if you are in good shape.  I have found if you lead into the sprints for 30sec stronger to ease HR up into the sprint, it helps also to ignore the workout a bit... go to 30-35sec!  Ignore the beeps for a extra time, and they should be HARD!!!  (not some 'prescribed' effort)

    Like this weekend I did some 22' hard efforts (well into Anaerobic power / zone6)at the end of a Trainer ride... HR didn't even get to >80%!  (in my case I was just trying to mix up muscles a bit after a 2hr zn2/zn3 ride) but still got a 1.1 anaerobic likely from it.  
    ALSO... in the original post, the sprints were at a prescribed wattage... a 20 second sprint should be all OUT, not some tamed down wattage, should say >375W!  not @375w!    Should be well into zone7 neuromuscular effort!  

    Also a thing to note, for endurance athletes just doing strides/sprints of short length might not benefit anaerobic ability (cuz just 20-30sec)... BUT... they increase running/biking economy/efficiency and improve neuromuscular coordination/function.  So they are good to do... even though it won't show up in effect! Really strides shouldn't feel that hard after, almost feels good.  especially with full recovery.

  • I'm giving TrainerRoad a try. After only 2 workouts, my load is better balanced. I think Garmin has MUCH room for improvement.

  • My Forerunner 945 is suggesting slow base trainings all the time although I'm full of energy, so I'm ignoring it and do the training based on my own assessment. And yes, the anaerobic part is also too low most of the time - my threshold is quite high so it's not easy to get into that zone and keep it for several minutes. But if I do so, it's considering it and updates the results, so that is not a problem for me.

  • TrainerRoad is sorting things out. It's a shame that Garmin isn't able to deliver.