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(Known Issue) GPS accuracy on Jan 01 2021?

Just had a run with my 945. GPS was way off during the run, I mean about 50-100 meters off reality during the whole route.

Has anyone else had this today? Using GPS+Glonass setting.

Janne / Finland 

  • I'm in New Zealand and have been having a problem with my GPS the last 3 weeks.  Has me running further than I've been and some quick Kms. seems to happen in the 2Km

  • I'm in New Zealand and have been having a problem with my GPS the last 3 weeks.

    This thread was as a result of a system-wide issue impacting multiple device types, not only Garmin devices that occurred in January.

    While there have been one or two reports of something similar happening last week )I think) any GPS issues you are having are likely to be unrelated.

  • Something is really not right with the GPS.

    I had tons of same routes in the past 1 year. All routes were perfect.

    Recently the same routes had produced some wacky paths during the start of the run. Note there is no new building coming up here.

    This is happening since the recent GPS issues.

    Anyone else is facing the same issue?

  • yes. Been wearing a 935 or 945 the last 2.5 yrs. I have had more GPS issues since Dec than all the time prior. Today it missed the road by blocks and the stop point was 1/2 mile from my house.

    My Apple Watch was always the one producing weird GPS tracks (swooshing corners). Now it seems to be reversed. AW6 is getting it right. 945 is all over the place - and that is using GPS+Glonass in US, latest 6.20 FW, ephemeris OK, 1hr soak outside, etc, etc.  

    This coupled with the duplicate entries in Health from GC has me considering an AW and Wahoo combo - and I love my Garmin gear!