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Howto edit indoor bike workout (with gradient or other smart trainer) ?


Just did my first try with the included "Bike Workout" on my smart trainer (Elite Nero).

I also tried to set the gradient on the watch, it's "fine" but it's not so easy on a roller... also I didn't found an easy way to change the gradient on the fly, if it's possible, how ?

Anyone know a way to edit workout with smart trainer features ?

Thank you very much!

  • Hi Gregoire,
    did you create a custom workout from Garmin Connect with your target zones for each interval and then the trainer adjusts the resistance accordingly?

  • Hello linsguilherme,

    yes I did.

    BUT if my phone is near the trainer the resistance is not set.

    After some tryout, I found it's because of SwissCOVID's app which isn't nice with radio signal. Disabling bluetooth on the phone or removing the SwissCOVID's app and it works.

    I wasn't able to set a resistance with firmware 5.0 and it worked with 5.09 beta but when I tried with 5.09 for the first time my phone was "far away" (and I don't see any reason to go back to 5.0 as 5.09 seems pretty awesome).