What triggers incident detection?

Looking in the manual and 3rd party articles, incident detection is triggered when an incident is detected.  Not very informative.

Today, right after the start of our run, an angry goose lowered his head and charged at us.  After sprinting out of range, I noticed an incident detected and quickly fumbled to turn it off.  My run was ended 0.12 miles in and had to start a new activity.

what specific behaviors is Garmin looking for to trigger the alert?

  • I beg to differ. I got hit by a car on my bike on saturday last week, no incident detected. i was in the cycling lane and a car t-boned me from a side street while i road past him as he was waiting to come out of a side street. i was probably doing 20-25kmh uphill and the hit knocked me off my bike (no breaks just grazes and bruises) incident detection was enabled in road bike profile so i dont trust it not one bit