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Forerunner 945 Updates SW 4.40 is now live

These updates can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile (pending rollout).

Software version 4.40:  

  • Improvements to GPS
  • Fixed training modes (workouts, intervals, set a target, etc.) in Virtual Running to allow connection to phone app
  • Changed filtering of activities for Race an Activity. List of activities is now narrowed to those within the same general sport type.
  • Fixed missing auto-run setting in Ski
  • Improvements to rep-counting
  • Improvements to floor-climb when the user is jogging up/down stairs
  • Added SkiSkate profile
  • Added BackCountry Ski profile
  • Improvements to music playback/sync/providers
  • Improvements/fixes to payments
  • Made several improvements to Breathwork
  • Made several WiFi related improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the device would always display the 'Updating' spinner when changing an alarm
  • Various other fixes and improvements

Sensor Hub 4.01

  • No change log available

GPS version 4.10

  • No change log available
  • 5.04 ist just the Version of Bluetooth/ANT/-firmware.

    4.40 is latest watch Firmware (4.41 latest Beta)

  • good evening,

    since June 6, the livetrack works without having to open Garmin Connect. Does it work for you? If so, how do you do it? Thank you.

    Jerôme (France)

  • Hi Former Member, 

    since the update to firmware 4.40 I have the problem that the pulse measurement at the wrist temporarily shows extremely high values. Although my real pulse is 50-55 bpm, the clock shows 135-155 bpm. I noticed this because my recovery times have suddenly increased significantly. So I had a recovery time of 3 hours and suddenly it jumped to 8 hours or more. All in all, this has a considerable effect on the training control of the watch. Since I am very much oriented to it, this is very annoying.

    After I restart the watch, the heart rate measurement works normally again. But because I wear the watch 24/7, I cannot constantly check when and why the pulse measurement is wrong.

    What can be the reason for this?

    Thx for your reply.


  • It's funny, I noticed the same thing.  I've hit the "high heartrate warning" a handful of times, but measuring my wrist it was nowhere near that high.  I thought may it was due to not running as much!

  • Same problem on FR 245(M). Hope they will fix it in the next update

  • I've wrote about it here before. The pulse reading from optical sensor became very untrustful. It can show very high and also very low reading. I started wearing HR belt for that reason almost all day (because of my health issues at the moment I have to check my HR periodically and how it reacts to different activities). HR readings accuracy was ok with 4.30, but with 4.40 it got way off.

    And because of that you cannot trust any metrics what you get from optical sensor. Stress-score, body battery, etc became all more gimmicks than before because of that.  Unfortunatelly I don't belive they fix it with next update because I am using now the beta version and it has the same inaccuracy. Too bad that cannot downgrade to 2.30 anymore.

    Also one thing that I want to point out is HRV score. Altough it is measured with HR belt, but with Garmin I get almost always that I have low stress, but with Welltory or with Elite HRV I get totally different results. There is little (acceptable for me)difference between Welltory and Elite HRV readings. So I trust them much more than Garmin HRV score. There is probably problem with Firstbeat or with Garmin. Would like to compeare some ther watch what uses also Firstbeat technology for HRV and compare them to Elite HRV and for Welltory.

  • I am noticing the same behavior since updating to 4.40 a couple of days ago.  Previously I found the optical heart rate accurate.  Now for the last two days it's showing readings 2 to 3 times higher than my typical heart rate while going about my day (non exercise time).  The resting heart rate continues to be accurate, it's only during mild activity where the heart rate is exaggerated. This has also caused my calorie, intensity time, and body battery to be inaccurate.  Is it possible to "roll back" to a previous version?

  • is 4.40 is the latest software vesion? then why i get 4.60 on APAC 945 watch? anyone have the same situation as mine?

  • Update: I followed your suggestion on powering off the watch and since restarting (2 days) the optical HR seems to be tracking my actual heart rate again.  Hopefully this accuracy continues without further power cycling the watch.

  • I am already getting version 4.60 ?