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Forerunner 945 Updates SW 4.40 is now live

These updates can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile (pending rollout).

Software version 4.40:  

  • Improvements to GPS
  • Fixed training modes (workouts, intervals, set a target, etc.) in Virtual Running to allow connection to phone app
  • Changed filtering of activities for Race an Activity. List of activities is now narrowed to those within the same general sport type.
  • Fixed missing auto-run setting in Ski
  • Improvements to rep-counting
  • Improvements to floor-climb when the user is jogging up/down stairs
  • Added SkiSkate profile
  • Added BackCountry Ski profile
  • Improvements to music playback/sync/providers
  • Improvements/fixes to payments
  • Made several improvements to Breathwork
  • Made several WiFi related improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the device would always display the 'Updating' spinner when changing an alarm
  • Various other fixes and improvements

Sensor Hub 4.01

  • No change log available

GPS version 4.10

  • No change log available
  • What isn't true? You are not contradicting anything I said. I'm not saying that the 4.10 GPS would not work with the older one, but it seems that the update comes available when you have 4.40, that I meant with "update requires". Is that because it's tagged to require 4.40 or just because the update prioritizes software update over GPS firmware update, I don't know, but it's all the same.

    And care to elaborate what Garmin screwed up in their firmware build process? I'm not following you on that.

  • Being on 4.20 system firmware, I have just put GPS 4.10 firmware into RemoteSW folder of the device, and now I have 4.10 GPS firmware installed while being on 4.20 system firmware, so there's no technical requirement to have 4.40 installed to get GPS 4.10, and so I don't have a clue why GPS firmware file is downloaded separately later instead of being downloaded along with main firmware file and SensorHub firmware file, which is put into RemoteSW folder as well. So, GPS update does not technically requires 4.40, but yes, for some unobvious reason it is available only when 4.40 firmware is installed. And it seems for me that the reason for that is because Garmin screwed up their build process for this release, because:

    a) some text labels of the user interface are not localized for other languages, which means that not all required system files have been included into built GCD file, and which also means that there is probability that some other system files or their specific versions have not been built into the update file as well, which can lead to any number of minor bugs here and there

    b) Garmin have not announced, that for complete system update for this release one should perform two step action, which has lead to many users wondering why there's an exclamation mark near their GPS firmware version and how to fix it, because they face such issue for the first time. The fact that Garmin have not announced that, means for me that they haven't expected that GPS update won't be downloaded in one batch, and when they discovered it, they have published another file to the queue.

    I haven't any purpose to offend you or Garmin by any means.

  • Why didn't you just update the GPS only when you had 4.20? Why would you need to put the firmware to RemoteSW? And where did you even take the firmware, from the beta release? Might it have something to do about that the update requires 4.40 like I've been saying? I've not been saying that it won't work it older one, like I already said, technically it might work, but Garmin have done it like it requires 4.40 if you upgrade normally.

    a) Might have something to do about it, hard to say, but b) really not. Those are two different updates and why didn't Garmin say it, I don't know.
    I'm just really puzzled all those people who come here to tell about they didn't get GPS 4.10 even before they've even tried to see if there is any update available.

    And the update was the same way it was on the beta, the GPS firmware was own update. Also the text labels are also same way as in the beta, why didn't they fix those for the final is something that I don't get it, as they have had raport(s) about it. 

    Having firmware updates separate has been the normal, many of the beta firmwares had RemoteSW folder and firmware updates, this being nothing out of the normal.

    And you haven't offend me, but can't talk on behalf of Garmin. But this conversation doesn't really seem to be progressing so it's better that we both just keep own views as we can't really say what is the real cause and reason. Only Garmin knows and they probably don't want to comment about it. 

  • Just to follow up B1nny, is your battery still ok?  I ask because both my wife and I have seen excessive battery drain with 4.4, despite several resets, hard and soft.  Her watch was dead a doornail overnight Saturday from 60% the previous day, and that was after a hard reset.  Just bizarre.  Mine's seeing a similarly fast burn I saw with 3.9/4.0, unfortunately, and it's frustrating.   It had been fixed with 4.1/4.2/4.3 (I can't remember what the version number was). 

  • Yes, currently @ 59% which is the best I’ve see it. I tried the resets initially which didn’t work, but the additional steps made all the difference.

  • Same. Watch Language is German but the After-workout screen is english

  • I think Vo2Max isn’t right on 4.40

    Today my run Vo2Max is now the same as my bike Vo2Max, even thou I haven’t run in 3 weeks

  • Hi!

    I have same issues :

    • After a run, the summary is in English instead of French
    • VO2max Run seams locked since FW 4.20
    • Lactate threshold also
    • Lactate Threshold Guided Test can fail after realised it (one case, may be someone else ?)
    • One year after, the GPS is not enough accurate (my old Forerunner 235 is better...)
    • Alitude change a lot during my run between my start point and... the same as end point. It seams that there is an issue.

    In positive points :

    • Never had a battery issue
    • Buttons issues solved after one replacement (rev. A>D)
    • I don't used SPo2, Music and Pay (my bank has not a service) = no problem like this !

    My attendees for a next FW update :

    • Fixed all current bugs before add new features
    • Improve GPS accuracy
    • Add Virtual Bike profil for Zwift

    Thank you Garmin Team

  • Yeah, I've noticed the "stuck" VO2Max as well.  I was doing a tough Hanson Marathon program; six days a week and all that jazz.  With all my races cancelled, no point in putting my body through that, so, dialed it way back and retooling for a couple trail fulls in August (assuming those still go on as well...).  My VO2Max was *very* high during Hansen, but, it should be dropping like a rock and it's not.  Also, my battery is now just as bad as it was on 3.9/4.0.  I'm so annoyed with Garmin.  I've tested a lot of software in the past, I should probably just start installing betas and guinea pigging this stuff for them, because I don't think anyone in-house is bothering!

  • I also have dropouts on my Wahoo TICKR HRM, and when I do intervals (e.g. 4x1mi) it is slow to "wake up" and pick up the HRM increase.