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Treadmill inaccuracies with Foot Pod?

I'm using the Garmin Forerunner 945 (SW 4.00) and the Garmin Foot Pod. I have run outside with both hundreds of miles over the last six months. Occasionally I travel for work, and I've found the use of the Foot Pod on a treadmill to be extremely helpful.

Recently something has changed. This past week I did four different treadmill runs (each in different locations using different treadmills) and had significant discrepancies between what the treadmill reported and what my Garmin devices said.

For example, yesterday at the YMCA I ran 6.34 miles on the treadmill, yet my Garmin only recorded 6 miles (and interesting, when synced to Strava, it only showed 5.99 miles).

I have tried multiple times to figure out how I can try to recalibrate the Foot Pod and treadmill, but I've been unable to do so.

This article ...

... suggests that after an activity, you can select "Calibrate & Save" yet I have never been able to find this setting, despite using the Treadmill activity. I'm also a bit wary of even using it (should I find it) because Garmin should have plenty of data based on the hundreds of outdoor runs I've done to understand my stride, so shouldn't it be accurate?

If my recent experiences had been limited to one treadmill alone, I might have chalked it up to a poorly calibrated treadmill. But as I said, I've seen this recently across four different treadmills.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?



  • I guess the calibration above is related to the accelerometer and not the foot pod. I guess you should find calibration settings for the foot pod under sensors. Connect the foot pod and then go into settings and sensors.

    What was you feeling for the treadmill run. Does your RPE suggest 6.34 miles or 6 miles? The Garmin footpod calibration is sensitive to pace. If the pace is much higher/lower than the pace it was calibrated for will not be as accurate. Eg, you calibrate the foot pod at a steady pace run of 10min/mile and then run at 7min/mile the calibration will not be 100%. If you want almost "perfect" pace on the treadmill I can recommend the Stryd foot pod. I use it on all my treadmill runs.

  • The Save & Calibrate option is at the bottom of the list when you finish your activity.

    I'm using a Zwift footpod, and the watch distance does not match what's being displayed on Zwift - sometimes it's higher, sometimes its lower - but it's generally about 10% out.

  • Ah, good call. I just dug around more and found this support document from Garmin:

    "NOTE: This feature is only for calibrating the accelerometer in the watch. The option to 'Save and Calibrate' will not be available if you are using a foot pod."

    That's not clear elsewhere in their documentation. But I suppose it makes sense.

    The related article says the foot pod is self-calibrating.