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Feedback for GPS 2.60


Today I've updated GPS 2.60 on my FR945 (FW 3.30).

After a run, I noticed that the battery had dropped less than before the update of the GPS.
An activity is not very representative so I wanted to know if you notice the same thing on your side.

  • I'm experiencing the same issue

  • Any advice on using the 945 for Orienteering?

    It's a hobby I used to do years ago and I'm looking to get back into it. It's great for running without thinking about your running as your mind is on navigation most of the time.

  • Nothing really special comes to my mind.

    What I've done, I have copy from Trail Running which I've named as "Orienteering".
    In that copy I've autolap disabled and removed map page (Rules say that you can't use the watch to help your orienteering, I think if I would do it competitive 945 might have problems as it has maps, even if you don't use it). I press lap on checkpoints so I got the checkpoints on my fit/gpx (when I remember, sometimes I don't and it's annoying), which helps in some tools like RouteGadget/QuickRoute to put the route better on to the map. Which is nice to analyze afterwards did I take the route which I thought I took, or where I was, when I was lost and looking the checkpoint :) 

    And yes, I like Orienteering that you can't think about other stuff, you really need to clear your mind and focus reading the terrain and map. And if you can't focus, and think about something else you will know it as you will do big stupid mistakes.