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Deep sleep accuracy?

I am curious to hear what other people's experience is with Deep Sleep stats.  According to my 945, I get about 10-15 mins of Deep Sleep a night.  First, I do not know if this is normal for the average person.  Second, is the 945 sleep stats accurate?

  • jealous, I stopped looking at the Garmin Sleep stats, because most of the nights it shows that I have less than 15 min deep sleep. If this was correct then I would be dead by now.....

  • most of the nights it shows that I have less than 15 min deep sleep. If this was correct then I would be dead by now.....

    Who told you this myth?  Spend a year a in a combat situation and then try and tell someone they'd be dead because they had less than 15 mins of deep sleep a night.  Relaxed

  • Hi there - I was looking into the Oura ring. I get 8 hours of sleep and only 58 min of deep on the average on my FR watch. The report on average will update 3 times first reporting over 2 hours of deep sleep but once the REM processes in then I basically get a report of an average of 58 min. Its crazy.

    I am now super paranoid bc I am doing everything I can to get deep sleep (sleep, exercise, sleep hygiene, low carb diet, no screens before bed etc)... With my family hx of Alzheimer's, I try to do everything I can!!! As a 36 y/o I am wanting to improve my odds.

    Do you recommend the Oura ring or feel it may also fail to accurately record? Have you found anything that does accurately record sleep patterns? I dont' want to do a sleep study in a lab. It def won't record my sleep accurately with the stressors of sleeping out of my normal environment.

    Let me know if you found anything useful - kindly Annie

  • I can only refer to my very own experience with Oura, others might disagree. But I feel it is pretty good, but it depends which finger you wear it on. Ring finger works best, index finger is a bit worse but still ok. Comparing Oura with Fitbit Versa was more or less consistant, both were mostly in line. AND Garmin also was once, when they used Firstbeat's sleep algorithm. You could compare this with the FR935, up to the firmware release when they introduced their own sleep algorithm it was pretty good also, then it became useless. Garmin's sleep tracking needs massive improvement, I never understood why they ditched the fairly accurate Firstbeat sleep metric.

    But anyways, to answer your question; yes, for sleep tracking, I would recommend Oura. From my personal experience, it is in line how I feel and how I would describe my sleep from my own viewpoint.

  • I've had much the same experience as you guys, but I don't wear my 945 to sleep as I use a Vivosmart 3 as my activity tracker for things like sleep, steps, etc.  I will say that the 945 actually seems BETTER than the Vivo in that department as it typically gives me more deep/REM sleep than the Vivo.

    Agree with the earlier poster in that Fitbit did this aspect much better.  And I'm also interested in the Oura too.  I just think the ring is the best form factor for a 24/7 tracker, I wish Garmin would come up with one that fit into their ecosystem.

  • Annie, you should relax. The FR945 just tries to measure your sleep but without measuring brain waves or something like this, it ist just a better guess. The biggest problem is if you worry too much about your sleep. The FR945 usually shows a maximum of 1 hour deep sleep per night, very often I don't have any deep sleep. With my old Fenix 3HR I had 3 hours of deep sleep and more. So it's a problem of the hardware and not my sleep. If you realy want to know the details go to a sleep lab instead of spending money for hardware that can never improve your sleep quality.

  • I recently spent 2 nights in a proper sleeping lab and can tell you that the results look absolutely nothing like the watch stats.

  • Sleep (deep or not deep;) tracking on 945 is literally useless. 

  • Well, woulnd't say 100% useless, but certainly not so accurate, defining the hours of sleep helps.

  • I agree with  with the current firmware version it IS utterly useless. The only thing the watch gets somehow right is when you go to bed and when you get up. Anything in between is purely random and not related to your sleep stage. I mean, it showed I was in deep sleep when I actually woke up and briefly looked at my clock next to my bed. For the time being it is not much more than a funny gimmick.