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FR945 Crash/restart when saving activity

Yesterday I participated in a relay trail race and for leg 2 of 3 my forerunner crashed when trying to save the activity and restarted.  After restart the activity was not available on the watch. I have connected the watch to my laptop and there is not a FIT file on the watch.  I was looking in GARMIN > Activity for the file.  My other legs of the race are saved in that folder, so I think I'm looking in the right place.

Anything else I can do to retreive my missing race data?  And how do I prevent this from happening again in the future?

  • Are all those on here seeing these problems at altitude (in mountains, in an area that is several 1000ft above sea-level)? Is this occurring for everyone on multiple activities and not just on solving the first repetitive save-crash loop?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to gregorgarminku
    all those on here seeing these problems at altitude

    No.  It's happened to me twice, about 5 days between occurrences.  The first time was using the elliptical profile at 470 feet and again on a run in my neighborhood where the elevation was between 455-500 feet.  I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not, but on both occasions I selected "save", was distracted by conversations for a few minutes (10-15), and then the crash occurred once I selected "done".

  • I've had the same issue when using the Skiing / Snowboarding activities. It seems to be something to do with the elevation as it's never happened on any of my runs / hikes. 

    I've downloaded 3.08 Beta and there is an improvement but not a total fix. On version 2.80 it would crash when trying to save anywhere from 5-10 times and then also during an activity I had repeated reboots. With 3.08 it only did it once during an activity, but it didn't do it at all when saving the activity. 

  • I also experienced the issue when being in higher altitude locations. It stopped since I am back at sea level.
    When it happened, I seem to have noticed that the battery level would always be kinda low (can`t tell a threshold), then i would not be able to save (or even discard) anything.
    I could workaround by always selecting resume later,(make multisports activities if I need to record more stuffs). When back home, I would plug the USB cable to the sector (not on the computer as an MTP device) and just proceed with saving when the cable was connected. I never experienced the problem again with this workaround.

    Hope it helps.

  • It First happened to me when I went to altitude (Denver, CO) on every single activity. It didn't allow me to save no matter how many times it reboot. I was able to save it by selecting resume late, restarting my watch manually, restarting the activity and then saving. This occurred for all 4 activities I recorded at altitude. By the fourth, I immediately did save later, reboot, and then saved and it worked immediately. It stopped happening at my first activity saved in back at sea level. Haven't seen the issue once since I returned from altitude.

  • I am located at 1000m above sea level, all activities happening above that elevation. Also for me it is predominantly mountain biking, but I believe it happened after hiking also. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    I'm ~6600' above sea level.  It happens to me, from time to time.

  • this is all sound very similar to my 945 freezing issue, except my issue seems to occur if I auto pause more than a minute or 2. then same symptoms: sometimes i lose the activity, sometimes i can resume (as if i had done resume later) and then save or continue running. I'm suspecting it loses GPS/glonass while paused, and then just screws up...

  • Yes I also experienced freezes when this saving issue happened to me in altitude. I saw that in most cases, I would get the watch frozen when switching between screens during an activity.

    Try to always load your watch to 100% before an activity and see if that still happens ?

  • @Garmin-Blake - what's the word? Has the issue been identified? Just take a look at all the folks who have taken the time to reply in this thread and it's clear how widespread this bug is. A status update would go a long way to giving your customers some faith that our trust in Garmin isn't misplaced. Thanks.