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FR945 Crash/restart when saving activity

Yesterday I participated in a relay trail race and for leg 2 of 3 my forerunner crashed when trying to save the activity and restarted.  After restart the activity was not available on the watch. I have connected the watch to my laptop and there is not a FIT file on the watch.  I was looking in GARMIN > Activity for the file.  My other legs of the race are saved in that folder, so I think I'm looking in the right place.

Anything else I can do to retreive my missing race data?  And how do I prevent this from happening again in the future?

  • Same issue for me on the 245, started happening yesterday (on 2 runs).

    Also the training effect has been 0/0 for both runs.

  • same for me!  Very frustrating, and clearly a bug they need to address!

  • I see happening same suddenly. It started to happen two weeks ago while running on trail, and treadmills. In one case, it didn't save the actual time of finalizing the run. 

  • I first experienced this on FR245 with beta version 2.94 and I filed the "Feedback reporting form" about it but didn't get anything in response.

    I usually put my phone in airplane mode during the night and getting for a run early in the morning without syncing it, it could be that the watch accumulated data during the night plus the data from the run is becoming too much for it and is causing to crash/restart trying to recover :)

  • This issue has been escalated and is currently being investigated. I do not have a timeline for a permanent resolution but will update this thread when more info is available. 

  • The only way I can get any activity to save is to set the activity to resume later, restart my watch, go back into the activity, and then save. Tried clearing all history and no luck.

  • Hi Blake - I'm using the Forerunner 45S and also have a similar issue - when I try to record a walk or run the data screen zooms in and the watch crashes if I click any button (all unsynced data is lost). Tracking other activities (cycling and yoga) doesn't seem to cause an issue.

  • Any news on this? Happened to me on 945 trail run yesterday. Mananged to save it as a activity after changing sport, but all data is lost and I can’t sync the activity to connect.

    Was a special run I really wanted to save unfortunately...


  • This happened to me again on a hike recently. If I selected save the watch would restart. Luckily it would restart back to the save screen, so I was able to retry multiple times.  After several restarts, it finally once saved without restarting when I was back to my phone and connected via Bluetooth again.  

    I hope this helps Garmin with troubleshooting and hopefully presents other users from losing important activities. 

  • Had same problem and this helped. Could not save the activity, the watch always crashed when I was asked to accept or reject the new lactat threshold.