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FR945 Crash/restart when saving activity

Yesterday I participated in a relay trail race and for leg 2 of 3 my forerunner crashed when trying to save the activity and restarted.  After restart the activity was not available on the watch. I have connected the watch to my laptop and there is not a FIT file on the watch.  I was looking in GARMIN > Activity for the file.  My other legs of the race are saved in that folder, so I think I'm looking in the right place.

Anything else I can do to retreive my missing race data?  And how do I prevent this from happening again in the future?

  • getting same issue now, started happening 2-3 days ago. Looks like the last update made a mess of things

  • Same issue for me. Watch keeps crashing when I want to save an activity. Started on Sunday 8/25. 

    Reboots always back in the activity. 

    Activity can be saved when I change the sport and save. Sometimes it works. Sometimes the activity is lost. Tried with several activity profiles. 

  • I notice the sam problem after "run" session several times in last 14 days. 5-10 times reboots did not resolve the problem. When I have connected the watch with USB cable on the computer, the "run" session ended and the data has transfered on my mobile phone. It is very frustrating.

    When the bug will be fixed in the new firmware?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    This morning, after the first crash, I selected "Resume Later", and then immediately returned to the activity to save.  It saved the data, without a crash.

  • When the bug will be fixed in the new firmware?

    Can't answer that but it might be fixed quicker if more people contact Garmin support and let them know it's a problem. Have you logged a case? 

    And of absolutely no use, but this is not happening with my wife's 945 so it's not universal.

  • Just finished UTMB and my activity didn't sync! it's pretty frustrating to lose such an important race data

  • It's been happening to my runs off and on since August 17. Happened now 4 times. I mangaged to save my latest runs by doing a "resume later", then charging the watch fully, and attempting to save again. May just be luck, as sometimes just trying over and over to save works too. My friend's watch is not having this problem and she has run similar runs as me. Garmin is sending me a new watch now to replace my defective one.

  • Is it still on the watch?

  • I ran into this at the same time as a friend a couple of days ago. It would constantly crash when saving and then restart back to the paused activity. We managed to force it to save by inserting the charging cable into a computer and select to connect as MTP on the watch. Doing this will force stopping and saving the current activity (without warning). When doing this it saved the activity (and vibrated) before it immedately crashed again. When it started back up it was back to the clock face and the activity was stopped and successfully saved.