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Stride length calculation on treadmill way off after upgrade from to

The stride length calculation/measurement seems to be broken after a upgrade from 2.50 to 2.70.

It seems that the stride length measurement was changed, to the worse, in the upgrade from 2.50 to 2.70.

Here is a treadmill workout just to check the calibration that was made just after the very first treadmill/calibration run on my new watch. The stride length is around 1 meter, and I was expecting that. 
I previously had the Forerunner 935 before upgrading to the Forerunner 945, so I have old data to compare with.

Here is the first treadmill run after the upgrade to

The stride length is all over the place, from 1.24 meters to 1.72 meters, with an average of 1.49 meters.
I noticed the error and just continued to run up to a mile (approx 1.6 km) just to be able to re calibrate the watch for treadmill running.

It does not helped at all. All of the following treadmill runs have the same type of error with the stride length.

So, yesterday I tested a thing. I ran 2k on the treadmill and calibrated the watch (again)

Then I ran outside for 2k just to check stride length, and it was on average 0.96 meters, pretty much expected that.

Then, on my way home again, i put the watch to do a treadmill workout, running home again, to have the same distance and time, and now it was even worse I now have an average of 2.11 meters!

Any ideas of what to do to fix this is much appreciated.

  • Did a treadmill workout with 2.70 and my HRM Run last week and stride length was ok, I just checked.

  • Thanks for the input. Is the curve points balanced or is it varying much?

  • Same - i had not connected it being worse after the update but that is what I have seen. Prior to recent update, I was seeing it be off by about a half mile on treadmill runs which was pretty good I thought. Now, I'm breaking world records running a 3:15 mile pace when in reality my pace is 10:45. Occasionally it is too slow by a couple of minutes but usually it says my pace gets faster and faster. I get audio pace updates every few minutes and each update is faster.

    I reviewed my cadence plot and it is similar - it's all over the place. My cadence / stride length in the past is extremely flat.


    2.7 software treadmill run --

    edit: now public

    edit: here's the plot from runalyze --- pace starts way off and remains so -- treadmill pace was 10:42 from start to finish of the run


    2.5 software treadmill run --

    also, I reviewed a few GPS runs since update - cadence is all over the place on those as well. It is just not as obvious unless you're looking at your graph because distance is coming off GPS rather than the calibrated stride length

    I have done the "calibrate & save" for each treadmill run - does not seem to improve the distance. I think the issue is with how cadence is counted. the distance is a calculation based off the avg stride length it seems.

    2.5 software GPS run  -- cadence relatively flat --

  • It is ok. Forgot to mention: I was also using my Garmin footpod as always on treadmill.

  • Thanks, now I know that I am not alone with this.
    Btw, I can't see your workout, I think it's locked for public view.
    I also have the feeling that the pace is getting faster and faster, when I am having a steady pace.

    I am thinking of going back to 2.50, if I can figure out how. I tend to do more treadmill runs now due to lack of time, and want it to just work.

    I have my old HRM run strap (the first gen, the black one) still with me, so I'll try that one when I have time for it.

  • Doing a treadmill run with and without footpod can't really be compared.  Both are trying to do way more than just count steps, but the accelerometers in the footpod are likely to be much more accurate than those in the watch on your wrist.  You'd expect within 2% accuracy with the footpod most of the time out of the box.  The wrist really needs to learn your specific movements and is a much more complicated algorithm. 

  • Just to be clear, you are setting your watch on treadmill mode but running outside?  No idea how it's supposed to do with this as the movement of the arms will be a bit different. It's designed to learn from your outside runs for running on the treadmill, but not sure if it's supposed to work the other way as well.

    In general, you need to do a number of outdoor runs (with GPS) for the watch to learn your motions in order to get better accuracy on the treadmill.  I wonder if this update reset that data.  These watches do a lot more than just counting your steps and multiplying that by your stride length.  As you change pace, your stride length is going to change.  The watch will use the acceleromter data from your arm swing to try figure out speed as well.  There will be some combination of these two computations it uses.

  • The treadmill run outside was just a test to see what was going to happen with the stride length. I knew it is of no scientific value at all. Was just curious on what it would record. If it had worked the way i thought i should, I should have a steady pace and a stride length around one meter. I ended up with an average stride length of two meters, about twice my regular stride length.

    I have had several runs outside, to have the watch learn from my runs. But I think you are on to something. with your thought about the update resetting something in the watch. I have tried to do at least 5 calibration runs on 2.70, and it has not got worse, but it also has not been any better. The stride length recording is not working right now.

    Perhaps the watch is missing some data point, and gets the next one, and do calculations based on that?

  • Solved with beta software 2.72.
    I installed the new beta software, that not mentions anything about stride length/treadmill calibration, and did two 1.6 km runs with calibrations after each "leg". The curve points was almost flat now, and not "all over the place", but still way off. Two calibrations after each other solved it.

    The last test  for 1.2 km's was almost spot on. I had a difference of just 40 meters on 1200 meters.

    It might have been the reset that goes with installing new firmware that fixed it, or it could be something in the new beta firmware, I have no clue what so ever, but I am pleased with the watch now.Smiley

    (If it is possible to edit the description, so please tell me how, so I can mark it "solved").