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new upcomming forum layout : flat view vs threaded view P3

Former Member
Former Member


Well have I last, and I hope it is not only for our dearly beloved CIQ developers ;-)

Looks that the structure over here is already different !!!

Not nice, not nice at all.

news-announcements forum-threading-change

Hello Everyone!

In an attempt to stay up with the needs of our community we are addressing one of your continued requests. We are going to changing the reply structure in discussions. There are some things we have control of here, and other things that are limitations of the software that we are working on externally, but this one we can do.

This means that moving forward, all replies will simply be in line one after another. There will not be any "branched" replies. The newest post will always be the last. This will make things much more straightforward and in line with the way that most of you have requested. 

A few things to note:

  • Forums with branched replies will be "flattened"
  • All new forums posts going forward will be posted in order

Thanks for all of your feedback and your patience as we figure out the best ways to use the community to suit the needs of our developers!


original post :

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to jim_m_58

    you have to teach the dev community to use quoted replies

    could this simplify the overview ?

    happy & safe sporting

  • That is back to the dark ages of vb5.

    when you try to match of a reply at the end of a long thread to one in the middle that might also have replies fromother, it's a step backwards.

    I've been using the new forum SW since the day it went live for CIQ, and this is something I didn't initially like, but grew to appreciate it.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to jim_m_58

    could be true for the developer community

    branching into sub-topics ?


    just scrolled through this topic ... fit-recording---how-to-get-color

    what I like about flat view

    when scrolling through the post you have no jumps in time

    it is a chronological view Slight smile

  • And the thing where a reply can be no where close to the post it's a reply to makes it hard to follow.

    The thread you linked to hasn't had a new post in two years, so actually  written "flat".  Look at an active thread instead, where there are multiple posts being replied to with replies to a post those that may in turn have replies

  • We disagree on which is best, and what I said was if this change is made, I would prefer that a user can  pick how they want to see things, vs making it global.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to jim_m_58

    take this thread

    what a mess


    guess that was the reason to split the community in two

    pro (devs) and non pro (plebs)

    to get the clutter from non pro's out of the pro's discussions

    pro's post to the point, they know their stuff

    non pro's post to their own point, they see only their part

    post a comment with good info to show "everybody" the info

    this just vanishes when reading through the thread

    you can mark it as answer, but .....

    I prefer flat view Wink


    ! posts I made in the developer community do not show up in my plebs overview !

    happy & safe sporting

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to jim_m_58
    We disagree on which is best, and what I said was if this change is made, I would prefer that a user can  pick how they want to see things, vs making it global.

    did not see this post...busy typing reply to your previous one Slight smile

    yep, I agree...choice is the best

    happy & safe problem solving aka programming


    mmm...this post moved downwards not under your post

    clicking your name in this post jumps to the one I replied to

    another reason for flat view

  • All forum threads will have the flat reply format moving forward. If you are replying to a post that is not the most recent one, you have the option to highlight the relevant text and select Quote before replying. This will add visual clarity to what post specifically you are responding to. 

    We do understand that no change will be universally wanted, but we have tried to listen to the majority of feedback we have received.