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Elevation issues

Is anyone else having troubles with their elevation accumulation early in their runs? In the first few mins my total ascent climbs by up to 20 meters, even when the terrain is flat or slightly downhill. After 2-3 mins it stabilizes and thereafter ascent and descent match my 935 (and Suunto w/ Baro), but every run it seems to gain those 20m in the first few mins. This happens even if I give the watch a few mins of being locked onto satellites before beginning, and my altitude figure is also correct. It’s only the ascent gain seemingly affected.

  • I use the watch for biking but didn't have such behaviour.

    I'm using GPS+Glonass and Height correction constantly using DEM.

  • Thanks Oren. Mine’s set to continuous DEM, too, but have been using GPS+Galileo. I hadn’t had this trouble during the first few weeks. Only seems to have started about two weeks ago, with no firmware updates. Tried a soft reset, which didn’t change anything. Not much of an issue, but it’s still a steady 20m ascent accrual in the first kilometre of every run, which makes my Strava GAP look like I bolted out of the gate. 

  • Galileo is completely down since two weeks, try using only GPS….

    Here Galileo status

  • domengo, thanks for this. Looks like Galileo is (mostly) back up. Still having the same issues. Have tried GPS alone, GPS+GLONASS, GPS+GALILEO and all settings have the same issue. Tried different altimeter settings, to no avail. Seems no matter how far I run (could be a flat 5k - this happened on the track, to a 35k hillier long run) or what my settings are, I get a persistent 20m (17-30 actually, but 20m seems a frequent discrepancy) difference between total ascent (higher) and descent. Looked back and it seems it started around mid-June. I’ve worn a 935 and Suunto 9 at the same time (other wrist) with no issues, so it isn’t from a changing air pressure. Tried another soft reset and also reinstalling 2.50. No luck. 

  • Hi again,
    Are you with the GPS beta or the original?

    I'm with the Beta and enjoying it much more than the original.

  • I was using the roll out, but tried the beta 2.42, had the same troubles (and rough GPS+Galileo tracking) and went back to the roll out. 

  • Realizing this is a bit nitpicky since my elevation issues aren't huge, but it seems to me something's happening when I stop my watch. There's a correlation between the number of times I stop my watch, and the meters of discrepancy between total ascent and descent. Ex: from the track the other day: 12x400m + 1x200m, so I stopped my watch 12 times (didn't press lap - I had a different watch measuring the recovery). During the pause interval elevation dropped, and so when I started my next interval the elevation would climb to where it was (approx) before I stopped my watch, adding in those meters to total ascent. 18m difference between ascent and descent (23-5). Looking back through other runs (and comparing to when I wore the 935 on the other wrist) this seems consistent. Ex: a track workout from a couple of weeks ago I had a 50m discrepancy between ascent and descent, and stopped my watch 25 times.