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unexpected restarts during activity start

Yesterday, I was trying to start hike activity on the watch. It kept restarting as soon as it got gps lock..or sometimes as soon as I click to select the hike activity. Same happened with the walk activity...not very predictable about when it exactly the restart happens. But I tried other activities that doesn't involve gps like elliptical, floor climb etc and they seem to work ok. Tried the Map app and didn't crash after gps lock.

Then hike started kind of working ok later on in the day but walk had the restart problem consistently.

But next day, no problems, as if something got fixed.

I was wondering if there is a chance there was some file corruption with some file that gets created for each day and got fixed when a new file is created for activities next day?

btw, I don't have any external sensors connected.

Any clues?
