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Forerunner 945 battery issue

I have huge problem with battery.

Before I used fenix 5x plus and battery 7days was standard.

Now I use 945 I every week I cut something and always less than  days.

I already turn off pulsoxymetr tottaly , use less applications,  run with only GPS without gallileo.  Run less than 40km per week and my record 5 days.

How much your battery stay in 945?

  • Bonjour.

    Moi avec ma montre en mode GPS sans cardio ni cartographie. J'arrive seulement à environs 20 heures d'autonomie. 

    C'est aussi une moyenne pour vous ?

    Je suis loin des 35 heures annoncé

  • I had the same problem with my FR 945: battery was around a single day of duration. I waited for complete battery discharge for a couple of times and battery duration restored to normal (almost one week with with one (short) activity per day).
    Hope it helps,
