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Very Very slow Sync to Garmin Connect Mobile

Often I am experiencing a very slow upload of activities to Garmin Connect Mobile from my 945 to my iOS device. By "slow" I mean 20 minutes or more for a 60min activity, sometimes even hours later it hasn't synced.  Usually I get an indication on the watch itself shortly after saving with a little green-arrow-circle icon which I thought indicated sync had completed but apparently that is not the case?

Yesterday I did a couple of gym workouts (a treadmill run followed by an indoor bike).  The treadmill run synced immediately but an hour later the indoor bike hadn't yet synced.  When I go to the sync-now option on the watch (long press on upper left button) it tells me "transfer in progress."

Anyone else experiencing this bug?

  • Yes - it is terrible and always has been. Always have to do it manually too

  • Once I have successfully uploaded to GC, I delete the file from my watch. I try not keep more than 1 or 2 files stored on it or the sync process gets ridiculously slow again.  My guess is that the sync process re-syncs ALL the files you have on the watch, not just the most recent one. Hence the huge waiting time to upload.  Normally takes a few minutes to sync a 1hr file @ 1 sec recording rate.

  • It's interesting that you revived this old thread because I am in the process right this minute of addressing a slow upload for an activity.  All my activities since this one (including some "real" ones as well as "test' ones I hoped would trigger an upload) have synced over just fine.  It's this one activity that refuses to sync for whatever reason.  So I'm having to dig out the old desktop app and manually connect the watch, then manually transfer the file over.  I just don't understand it.

  • I was looking to see if others had had issues and if there might be a fix! My problem is that I just hate buying new tech when the old ones work(ed) ok! So my watch is still a Forerunner 610 and my bike computer Edge 800 (10 years old).  The Edge still locates GPS signal instantly on start-up (even indoors) (which the Forerunner never has done) has great battery life 6hr+ and also syncs activities in seconds. Progress is not all it's cracked up to be Disappointed 

    Good luck!

  • I'm on my second FR 935 and having the same problem on both. Funny (not!) thing is it syncs to Strava within seconds but to Garmin connect can take from minutes up til several hours . Ridiculous Garmin!

  • The issue might be your phone's connection to the Garmin servers. The rapidity of the sync to Strava is not related directly to your slow upload. Once the data has been uploaded to Garmin it is then sent to Strava