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Maps / updates?

Hi there,

considering buying this watch for the MTB and running (in this order). Couple of questions though:

- Do I get to choose the map region? Assuming I live in western EU, do I automatically get EU west map set? Can I choose full EU?

- Assuming I get, say... Italy map in my set, do I get the full topographic map of Dolomites?

- What about the updates? Are they lifetime guaranteed or do I have to start paying after a year or two?

Thansk in advance!


  • The maps are preloaded on the watch depending on the region of purchase. There is NA and EU, not sure about other regions. So if you buy a watch in Europe you will have the entire EU maps on it. These are topographic maps of all of Europe, so yes, this includes the Dolomites ;).

    As for updates: There are updates for maps available as of today, I doubt Garmin are contractually obligated to keep supplying updates. It depends on their good-will how long and how often updates will be available.

    Note: I found that there are many better maps available for free online, so what I did was delete Garmins map and load a map of my own chosing on it. For me this was the map - it has more details and looks better, and it is rebuilt once a week from openstreemap data, so it is very up-to-date too. Also I found to be quite good, i chose the first one though because it was a little less cluttered and easier to read on the small display of the watch. Not sure about maps for non european regions, would have to search some more if I ever went there with my watch ;)

  • Does routing etc work fine with the open street maps??

  • how did you load the map onto the watch. I can do it on my garmin edge devices but not the watch

  • If you have a Mac, you need Android File Transfer if you want to manually copy files to Garmin devices that support music:

  • Good afternoon. And in order to automatically update the map to the region of Europe, what you need to do to change the region of purchase?

  • Updates of the Garmin Topo Maps are provided by Garmin. Proceedure work fine. I just got a complete update of the Europe Garmin Topo Maps with "Garmin Express".So the maps are already updated in comparison to the state of the original delivery.

    Several GB and the update takes more than 1h.

  • Maybe you can change some file in the root of the device to be bound to the European region?

  • as far as I know there is no such thing. You buy in EU, garmin will only give you EU maps. Maybe you can pay for other region maps?

  • Yes routing workes fine for me on the openfietsmap - I am not sure if some rockier trails are off-limits to routing due to the maps being primarly designed for biking.

  • Basically you download the map file and copy it into the file-system of the watch. It will even allow you to switch between different maps you have installed (e.g. garmin and something you copied on). For space reasons you might want to delete the garmin one if you decide to put a large region from a different source on the watch.