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Vivosmart 4 vs 945 - the Body Battery Duel


I use the 945 as a running watch, the vivosmart 4 as a daily/nightly activity tracker. Both watches have Body Battery support, and the vivosmart 4 does a good job at it, but when I put on the 945 i get huge spikes/drops in my BB-graph - it seems the 945 has a completely different idea of my BB value, and depending on which watch I wear i will get completely contradicting data.


Today my BB topped up to 100% over night, and was sitting at 100% since I woke up, all using vivosmart 4. Then I put on the 945 to test some settings, and the BB dropped down to almost zero. Put back the vivosmart and it popped up to close to 100% again. On the "My Day" page in CIQ i see Body Battery +530/-468 currently, just from this back and forth between the watches. I have enabled True Up to sync activity tracking stuff between watches, but i do not think body battery is part of True Up, from what I read.

  • "I have enabled True Up to sync activity tracking stuff between watches, but i do not think body battery is part of True Up, from what I read."

    I think you have answered your own question there.

  • I did not ask a question, so it is impossible I answered it. There is a bug here, and I am reporting on it - i do not know how exactly the body battery calculation works, and as a end-user I really shouldn't have to, but from a result perspective what is happening with my usage of two watches is making the feature pretty useless (especially the total charged and drained in the My Day is no longer sensible information). Hoping some Garmin folks read it and get the problem fixed.

  • Question unrelated to Body Battery (although answer to it may solve your issue give lack of True Up): why not use the 945 all the time? I think doing so would allow the 945 to give you more accurate Body Battery since it would have more complete data to work from. Genuinely curious whether vivosmart 4 has any advantages as a ‘daily/nightly activity tracker’? 

  • You worked out from the description that body battery is not part of True Up. You have discovered through your experience that body battery indeed is not part of True Up.

    A 'bug' is when something doesn't work as intended. if body battery is not meant to be part of true up then the fact that it doesn't work the way you want it to work is not a bug. In addition it is only a 'problem' if like you you alternate between two devices during the day both with body battery enabled. There might be a problem, but I would say it is very much of your own making. I use BB on just one device which I only ever remove to clean or charge, and it seems to work fine for me.

    What you are submitting is a feature request. Although there do appear to be Garmin employees reading this forum from time to time this is by no means guaranteed as this is mainly a user to user forum. Stating in a post on here that you hope somebody from Garmin reads it and fixes your problem is unlikely to get you anywhere.

  • The vivosmart 4 is much lighter and smaller. It is more comfortable to wear this 24/7 than a 945. Especially at night. Not to mention that lighter usually means better OHR performance, less drops in reading stress and hr.

  • It's not a bug you say. You are saying i really did charge my body battery by 530 percent today and also lost 468 percent? The answer is clearly no, the app is clearly stating this "fact", and it is clearly wrong. That my friend is a clear cut bug.

    One way to fix it, considering that the value appears to be device specific, would be to display two values (BB-945: x%, BB-VS4: y%). This way the app could even add up the deltas of each and still get a aggregate charge and discharge value.

    Another way to fix it would be to restrict body-battery to one device (e.g. your main activity tracker, or a designated body battery device).

    Another way to fix it would be to implement some fancy cross device synchronization ala True Up. This might be the best user experience but it probably requires the most development work too.

    [...] (there might be more reasonable way to fix it)

  • I use BB on just one device which I only ever remove to clean or charge, and it seems to work fine for me.

    This might be a workaround for me, but I cant seem to find any option to disable body battery on a device? Does such an option exist? If so, where?

  • Like you I use a VS4 most of the time and BB feature works well. The 945 isn't working so well! As you say it's not possible to sync but also I can hike for 12hrs and BB on the 945 just stays the same (flatlines) while the VS4 will decrease as it should. Hopefully can be fixed. 

  • I am in the same camp but with a MARQ Expedition. It is plain weird that Body Battery data is not collated for both devices... any input on this please?