945 LTE 17.28 Restarts on some phone notifications

I'm using 945 LTE for couple of weeks, migrated from 945. Watch seems to restart few times a week after receiving some notification from Android phone. E.g. I hear notification sound on the phone for Facebook message and when I glance my 945 LTE, I see green triangle of restart.
It doesn't happen for every notification, but I saw it at least 3 times this week. Any suggestions to resolve this?

  • I agree, there was nothing wrong with the previous version.

  • Just to let others know - I tried to contact Garmin support and they advised to contact local representative. I live in Latvia but bought my watch in German internet-shop bike24, so local representatives advised me to contact e-shop. Then response from bike24 is that they are happy to help, but I need to send the watch to them :) At the end they expect it to be fixed or replaced and sent back to me in 4-8 weeks (!!!). Given that it's triathlon season, I will probably stay with buggy watch for now.

    This might be helpful for others - get in touch with Garmin support and ask for defective watch replacement, though keep in mind that you might need to replace the watch more than once (check few comments above).