Distance was not tracked during run on 945 LTE (has happened 2x now)

For the second time the distance was not tracked during a run. The watch appeared to have an idea of current and average paces and in the Strava upload the distance was shown but on the watch itself and in Garmin Connect the distance showed as 0.0.

The first time, I noticed the issue during the run and stopped it and started a new run half way through. This second run tracked everything as expected. This run today I did not notice until the very end (some runs I focus on feel vs. time) and pausing / unpausing the run did not make it so that the distance was tracked.

I am currently on 15.19 for sw version and see that rollout was paused due to issues. Was this the issue that stopped the rollout?

  • I wonder if what I saw today was the same as reported here...

    I am on 17.28 firmware and generally run outside 3x a week.  I use an HRM-Pro Plus with my runs, in case it affects the behavior.  Today was my first time seeing this issue.

    I started a run from my driveway with green GPS indication.  It was a suggested Base workout of 37 minutes.  I noticed about a minute in getting a pace "too fast" alert, but definitely wasn't running the pace it suggested - I assumed something settling in as the pace can be a little goofy at times.

    Near my usual mile auto lap spot, I didn't hear any auto lap occur.  I looked down and saw pace Information on the top of the workout screen but distance was 0.00.  This continued to the rest of the run.

    When uploaded to Connect I see basically every stat present - a GPS track, power, elevation, cadence, run dynamics etc, but no distance.  The pace graph looks messed up (flatline) but hovering lists a value for each point in time.

    As noted by the original poster, Strava figured it out (I think they generally post-process GPS data to come up with their own distance information vs Connect trying to use details provided in the FIT file).

    Very weird and I hope it doesn't repeat!