Garmin Connect V4.7 No Total Ascent in Run Activity Overview

I have a 945lte and noticed Garmin Connect updated today and run activities are no longer providing total ascent on the overview tab or in the newsfeed.  You have to look on the stats tab to find it. Why would Garmin remove this metric from the overview tab, but choose to provide total calories??  Is anyone else experiencing this?

  • Yeah, I just updated Connect to (iOS) and I'm seeing the same thing. Looks like a minor visual redesign / reorganization.

    I know this isn't helpful, but this is why I turn off auto-updates, for the cases when an app removes or changes some feature I like. (Ofc that doesn't help if you don't somehow know about the change before updating.)

    Why would Garmin remove this metric from the overview tab, but choose to provide total calories??

    Change for the sake of change? Who knows.