Grey "Ghost Arrow" wanders along the pre-planned course during cycling navigation, while I am standing still (FR 945 LTE, SW 14.52)

I had a cycling activity and used navigation ("follow course" mode) to navigate along a pre-planned course.

See photo - the purple line shows the course to navigate along, the greenish-blue arrow shows my current position, the red thin line shows my track - so far everything as usual.

Now, sometimes, when I am stopping, something weird and spooky happens:

A grey arrow is leaving the greenish-blue main arrow like an astral body leaves a physical body. Then this grey "astral arrow" or "ghost arrow", as I call it, moves along the pre-planned purple course, while the greenish-blue stays where it is (note that I have stopped moving here).

I rushed to make a photo of this as quickly as possible and managed to take a shot just before the grey "ghost arrow" left the screen.

The grey "ghost arrow" has about the same size and shape as the normal greenish-blue arrow, by the way.

Grey Astral Arrow wandering along the course

What is that???

Is it a bug or a feature? Which meaning does this grey arrow have? Can it be disabled? (I find it irritating and useless)

  • This is, I mean, a virtual partner that completes the course at the speed you saved it. When you stand, he drives away from you, of course ...

  • This would be the explanation if I had navigated along (or "raced against") a formerly recorded ACTIVITY. But this is not what I did. Instead, I navigated along a formerly manually planned COURSE in Garmin-Connect Web Interface, i.e. I started a Cycling activity and then selected:

    Long-Press on middle left button -> Navigation -> Courses -> chose one of my pre-planned courses.

    This COURSE has no speed or time associated with it! In Garming Connect it indicates "--" for both "Avg Speed" and "Goal Time". So I did not "save this course at any speed" whatsoever.

    Also, I did NOT activate a data field for Virtual Partner.

    So it seems that the watch has "invented" a virtual partner out of nothing, where I do not have any influence and have no idea why this virtual "ghost" partner is there and how fast it is moving. Seems like a bug to me - unless you or anybody has another idea...

  • It's definitely virtual partner.  Even if you don't fill in the pace/speed info on the course.  The virtual partner will start on any course.  The VP pace absent information you set in the course during creation will (I think) be a pace near your last few activities' pace average.

  • Ok, now I have added the "Virtual Partner" data screen to the cycling activity and set the speed to 29.95 km/h (which is surprisingly the highest possible - I guess some race bikers are faster than this [just a side observation]), which is much faster than my average speed will ever be. So now I expect that I will never see this grey arrow again (except right at tour start maybe) on my map screen! We'll see...

    Moreover: When I now remove the "Virtual Partner" data screen from my cycling activity again, will the virtual partner (which is always there anyway, as I learned from you) will keep its speed of 29.95 km/h such that I don't get annoyed any more? I hope so!

    Anyway, if this behaviour is really intentional (which I'd doubt - but only the devs could tell for sure), it should be changed! There is absolutely no point in showing this "virtual partner" grey arrow symbol when I have not activated any virtual partner in the settings!

  • I also need to play with it a bit more to completely understand how it works.  Thanks for the feedback.