Max Heart Rate automatic adjustment

Hi all,

I'm 47 years old but I know from several tests, also confirmed by sport doctor, that my heart can still go above 190bpm. With this value in the settings since I bought the 945LTE I was always getting accurate and meaningful performance metrics.

Unfortunately I noticed only today that after the software update to 7.11 the max heart rate was automatically lowered to 185bpm. The result is that all the performance metrics of the past months (vo2max,, lactate threshold, race predictions, etc.) were completely screwed up and I was constantly given very bad training status and performance condition during my runs.

Anybody experiencing the same issue? Since the 7.11 update I never pushed myself to my real max HR but I had a couple of runs were I briefly exceeded 185bpm, how is it possible that the watch lowered the max HR value that I set?

  • Yesterday I went out for a run after having adjusted manually the max HR to 190. I left the automatic adjustment on for test.

    The run was 42min long at an easy constant pace around 6:00min/km, average HR was 147bpm, consistent with my current VO2 max of 48.

    At the end of the run the watch adjusted again the max HR to 186. Is this normal?