LTE isn't dead at Garmin?

Hey, neat, maybe a sign LTE isn't dead at Garmin...

This watch actually supports texting and voice messages from the device though... hmm

  • Livetracking and sync works pretty fine on the 945 LTE. Having two-way messaging would be really a great update for this watch. 

    Spotify sync and less costly subscription plans are another items on my wish list :-)

  • While I’m a little bit “meh” with the LTE features of the 945LTE, I use it 2-3 times a week while running just to be sure my wife knows where I am.

    I agree text messages could be cool - if we had some efficient way to make that work.  Then I also wonder what else “cool stuff” we could use the LTE connection for…  Voice messages with a Bluetooth headset?  That’d be neat…

    Even given the sort of limited usage of LTE on the 945LTE, I think the feature may be a “must have” for me when I upgrade so I’m at least glad to see they have (even in a sort of different segment) another product release with an LTE radio.

  • It's funny my girlfriend lives abroad and I run 90 miles a week, she once called the police as I was over 2 hours on a long run. She liked to know what time I'd be back from runs as she needs some alone time in mornings.

    I finally get a watch she can track me on and she breaks up before I even use it. That is when I realised LTE is for families, nobody else cares about your run.

  • Yes for families, also when you are competing for example at a half marathon. They will never miss you again ;)