945LTE latest software status

Hi all

Forum newcomer and just ordered my 945LTE for the feature parity with 955 in a slightly smaller package.  From this garmin release that the "August update" will fill the remaining feature gaps to the 955 except SatIQ and ebike.  What's the status of the software version these days?  I take it that it hasn't been released yet and I don't see a recent discussion here beyond 6.04 which delivered some of the features.  Is there an updated timeline for the remainder?  cheers.

  • No issue on my side, training report value in GC is synchronized with value of the watch. So far it seems that 7.07 bring all the new functionalities that was expected and correct some annoying bugs (Spotify Sync) I also found that the battery drain after a workout seems corrected and now i can get a decent battery life.

  • when 945 LTE was on Sale

    Bought mine back in May on sale for 450US primarily for the LTE.  With 7.07, the new features and a slew of bug fixes, I'm happy with what I paid.

  • Reading the notes I think is is meant to do this.   Dot ask me why.   Confusing 

  • On my 955 it appears on GC app randomly (let's say) during the day , but pressing on it takes one to a detail card that shows the time early in the day probably when the morning report was viewed..

    Not sure why if it can do that it can't have an updated detail behind it (even if it had two cards ...at beginning of day and now if that is what they want to show) but that seems to be the current implementation.

    Logic seems to indicate training readiness is something one would want to see at an updated point in time..

  • For those that upgrade to 955 can you tell me your opinion?
    955 forum still seems to be flooded with bugs.
    I was mostly keen on the touch screen for simplicity when using maps. Used prices on 955 and 955 solar are like 360-400eur, not bad I think

  • I bought the 955 Solar in September after being disappointed by the 945lte bugs, for 11 months swim workouts were broke. I took the gamble reading the 955 forums. I am a triathlete and swim 3x, bike 4x, run 4x a week all using synced workout plans from both Training Peaks and Humango. I have not had an issue with this watch thankfully. Workouts for swim/bike/run sync fine. I rarely have an issue with missed lengths in the pool. Maybe 25-50 yards/meters missed once every 25 swim workouts. TBH who knows if its the watch or I did something dumb when it missed the 25/50.   I never think twice that my watch isn't going to do its thing ever. Using the latest beta code always.